Pathway Of Patient To Amanuel Specialized Mental Health Hospital A Facility Based Cross Sectional Study

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Introduction:-Pathway to care is a process in which a patient with mental illness goes throughrnbefore seeking help from mental health professional. According to the Goldberg-Huxley modelrnof the pathway psychiatric care in order to get visit to psychiatrists it should have to pass threernfilters starting from community setting.rnBack ground:- The Pathway the patient influenced by many one of them is distribution ofrnpsychiatric care facility. In developed country the first focal point in pathway is Generalrnpractitioner which looks identical to the Goldberg and Huxley model. In low- and middle-incomerncountries (LMICs) most of the patients with mental illness seek treatment from the traditionalrnand religious modality of treatment. A meta-analysis of pathway studies in sub-Saharan Africarnindicates approximately equal initial choice of biomedical (49.2%) and alternative (48.1%)rnmental healthcare pathways. A study done on 2003 at ASMH also showed that less than half ofrnmental illness patients directly contacted a mental hospital, and the median delay between onsetrnof illness and arrival at the psychiatric hospital was 38 weeks. Other two studies done inrnNorthern and South west Ethiopia showed than the median delay was 52 weeks. Objective:- The objective of the study was to measure time of delay to reach Amanuel hospitalrnfrom the onset of symptom to getting care. The effect of sociodemographic factors on thernpathway to way care. It also tried to assess the associated factors which affect the delay tornseeking modern psychiatric care. Generally it used to see the change that occurred in the past 18rnyears after implementation of different intervention on development of psychiatric care.rnMethod:- Directly data was collected from patient or attendant of patient who visited AmanuelrnEmergency and outpatient OPD for the first time from16th, 2021 –July 31st2021 with WHOrnencounter form. Once the data was collected it was exported to Excel spreadsheet and cleanedrnand checked for error and missing variable and, then it was exported to SPSS version 26 andrndescriptive analysis was done. Result:-The study found the median delay to get psychiatric care at AMSH was 20 week wherernas in any modern institution who gave psychiatric service was 14 weeks. The study also foundrnthat young or old Age, being married or divorced , elementary or secondary school level ofrneducation, first point of care to traditional healer or religious treatment were predictors of delayrnto get psychiatric care.

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Pathway Of Patient To Amanuel Specialized Mental Health Hospital A  Facility Based Cross Sectional Study