The Importance Of Ethics And Social Rasponsibilities Of Business Organisation ( A Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc Enugu )

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Ethical and social responsibility of Nigeria bottling company plc is the topic of this research work. The purpose of the research is to determine how ethical and socially responsible they are and how problem like unethical trade practices affect them and the various ways the management has adopted in solving these problems.

          Data for this research work were collected through questionnaire administered to the entire 145 staff of the Nigerian Bottling Company plc 9th mile question were used. The primary data was employed to a large extent that the analysis of data recommendation and conclusion were drawn from them. Secondary data were from library and periodicals.

          It was discovered that there have been complaints of unethical practices by salesmen of NB PLC, Also it was confirmed that the environment is affected by the operation of the company in such like waste management and air pollution.

          In spite of the discovering the company was fund ethical and socially responsible management of NB plc however is advised to set up a formidable panel to investigate reports of unethical practices on their sales representative and recommend appropriate sections provide amenities of the host community.           

             The NBC PLC was found to be ethical and socially responsible..












                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

          TITLE PAGE




          LIST OF TABLE

          CHAPTER ONE

1.0)         Introduction

1.1)         General background to the subject matter

1.2)         Problems associated with the subject matter

1.3)         Problems that the study will be concerned

1.4)         The importance of studying the areas

1.5)         Definition of important terms

1.6)         Reference using APA method


2.0)         Literature review

2.1)         The origin of the subject matter

2.2)         Schools of thought within the subject

2.3)         The schools of thought relevant to the problem

2.4)         Different methods of studying the problem

2.5)         Summary

2.6)         Reference


3.0)         Conclusion

3.1)         Data presentation highlight of the

3.2)         Analysis of the data

3.3)         Recommendation

3.4)         Conclusion

3.5)         Reference








                                      CHAPTER ONE



          Ethical and social responsibilities of business organization have always been a critical concern of every social. Each society strives to ensure that tose who engage in any form of business within the society are always morally upright in their daily actin=vities.

          Ethical and social responsibilities are ideas that focus on moral conscience of business. The concept of ethical responsibilities has to do with those issues tht concern business mn’s attitude to their organization as wll as their customers, while socil responsibilities has to do with the duties or obligations of business to the problems interest and needs of the social at large.

          Business organizations are constantly changing so do their environment. The  bigger the organizations the more important the issue of ethical and social resposibiliies becomes. Many business are large and powerful economically so much that their decisions and policies have vital impact on the society. This means that a rowth in economic power also entails a corresponding growth in social powers as well as social responsibilities. The growth therefore increases phenomenally the moral ethical responsibilities of such organization to the world around its area ofoperation. This is because the more the changes in economic growth of business, the more the society expects from that organization. Therefore business organization should have a changing social role, which enables it to adapt and shape its environments, so that it can become and remain viable. In the circumstance, any business organization that wishes to hold on to its economic power must of a necessity, be sure that it is exercising an equivalent amount of social / ethic roles to the social. The equation which should always balance, hardly balances in these days of competition and dubious business dealings that result in spurious /superficial profit declaration.

          The research topic that can also be tagged ethical and social responsibilities of Nigeria Bottling plc Enugu, is one that is intended to determine how ethically and socially responsible the company is.


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The Importance Of Ethics And Social Rasponsibilities Of Business Organisation ( A Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc Enugu )