Impact Of Computerization In A Banking Industry (a Case Study Of United Bank For African Station Road)

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Table of contents

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Chapter one


1.1            Background of the study

1.2            Statement of problem

1.3            Objective of the study

1.4            Significance of study

1.5            Scope / delimitation of study

1.6            Definition of terms


Chapter two 

2.0     Literature review

2.1     An overview

2.2     Theoretical frame work for analysis introduction to organization conception

2.3     The Evolution of compiler

2.4     The role of compiler system in modern banking operation.

2.5     Computerization of customers service in the Nigeria banks

2.6     Structure of a computer system

2.7     Computer and information system

2.8     The impact of computerization in banking

2.9     Banking operation

2.10   UBA and computer


Chapter three

3.0     Research methodology

3.1     Research design

3.2     Area of study

3.3     Population of study

3.4     Sample and sample technique

3.5     Instrument for data collection

3.6     Validation and reliability of instrument

3.7     Reliability of information

3.8     Method of data analysis


Chapter four

4.0            Data presentation and results

4.1     Analysis of data

4.2     Summarized result


Chapter five

5.1            Discussion of finding

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendation

5.4            Implication of the study

5.5            Limitation of study





4.1            Table 4.1 shows that united bank for African Plc was computerized to a certain extent.

4.2            Shows that computerization in the banking services will have great impact on a very high degree.

4.3            Proved that introduction of computer has speeded up services at UBA Plc.

4.4            Proved that it has been an increase in the banks deposit since it was computerized.

4.5            Shows that they would attributed the increase to the introduction of computers. 

4.6            Proved that computer has really helped to reduce the cost of running bank services in the  banks, where it has been introduced.

4.7            Shows that introduction of computer in their banks has made information storage retrieval and usage.

4.8            Proved that computerization has made the banking services less burden some.




1.1            BACKGROUND OF STUDY  

Alvin Tofler, one of the most successful of contemporary popularizes has proclaimed the arrival of an “adhocratic” society.

This expansive vision of nearly emerging post industrial order, mirroring that of Daniel Bell is encapsulated in Tofler’s view that we are living through a period of massive societal development.

First wave of agricultural revolution and the second wave of industrial revolution development in the world over is now being superseded by an third socio-economic ware, even through the industrial revolution is still in progress in most part of the third world countries. This new socio-economic shift termed third ware is the arrival of computer revolution.

This means that humanity faces quantum leap forwards as we engage in building a remarkable new civilization from group up.

Definition of computer: the oxford dictionary defined computer as an electronic device which stores information on e.g magnetic tape, analysis it and produces information as required from the data on tapes or deistic.

While the American Heritage dictionary of the English language defined it as a service that computes especially as electronic machine that performs high speed mathematical or logical calculations or the assembles, store correlates or otherwise processes and prints information derived from loaded data in accordance with a predetermined programme.

This implies that although computer has no brain of its own to reason live human beings, it performs complete mathematical problems as fast as possible even faster than the human brain.

The computer is an advanced technological convention which as evolved as a product of our modern day society.

The above statement not withstanding, he public still approach the course with apprehension and in some cases develop absolute fear for this device. The reason being that the computer came upon the whole world so quickly that it now affect our various lives in so many ways. This compile with


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Impact Of Computerization In A Banking Industry