The Role Of Federal Government In Co-operative Development In Nigeria. (a Case Study Of Enugu State)

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Co-operative Operation and Administration has been written primarily o satisfy the demands many student in the school of financial studies who have for a factual and authoritative course on Co-operative development.  This project thus   been written with clarity of exposition focused on the  practical requirements for standing and operating a co-operative society successfully.

          But for years the general public particularly the axious co-operators and professionals whose activities deals directly with co-operative problems have been yearning for a course in co-operative Development, with teaching and learning of the subject.  This can be attributed to lack of sufficient reference materials in the area and abstract presentation of the course beyond our local back background by the researchers of the few materials available.

          So, this project work is of five chapter.   Chapter one which deals on the introduction of Co-operative society, its importance statement of research problems, hypothesis, limitations if the study etc.  In chapter two, it ray among other the national Co-operative principles law and regulations in research design and Methodology and dealt within chapter three,. The method of collecting data, instrument used, local or area of study, the sample population etc. Chapter four is where the data analysis and presentation can be found.

And also demographic analysis and hypothesis testing can be found there too. In chapter five, we found finding of different result form hypothesis there recommendation for improvement and lastly their conclusion.
















I am very grateful to the Almighty God whom through his immeasurable help and mercies I was able to present this work.   It would be incomplete if I fail to recognize the assistance of my boss Mrs Chinyere Amaka, Okoye as well as  my Parents Mr. and Mrs. Eluwa and my friends and well wishes who has contributed direct or indirectly to the success of this work.

I am also very greatly for the encouragement’s and directions I received  from my project  supervisors

“Mr. Onovo” under whose auspices this work has been a success.  I will not also forget all my lectures in various disciplines including my Head of Department Mr. Wilson Ani through whose wealth of knowledge  I have also benefited immensely.

Furthermore my thanks also goes to all course mate and my friends who have assisted directly or indirectly or to the realization of this piece of work.

          I say may the Almighty God bless each and every one to us in Jesus name Amen.




Title Page                                                       i

Approval Page      … …                                                 ii

Dedication …                                                   iii

Acknowledgement                                             iv

Table of contents                                              v

Abstract                                                         vi



1.0            INTRODUCTION

1.1     Statement of Research Problems

1.2            Significance of the study

1.3            Research Questions

1.4            Research hypothesis

1.5            Objectives of the study

1.6            Limitations

1.7            Definition terms



          CHAPTER TWO

2.0            LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1     Co-operative law enactment

2.2            Needs for Co-operative Societies in Nigeria and their responsibilities.

2.3            Appointment of pannel to review the Co-operative principles, laws and reputations in Nigeria (1977)

2.4            Terms of reference given to panel

2.5            Limitations of policy  guidelines

2.6            Government views on the report of the review pannel on Co-operative principles, laws and regulations in Nigeria.

2.7            Why Co-operatives are necessary

2.8            The closed economy

2.9            The Industrial Revolution

2.10       The motives of the Pioneers

2.11       Object law the first

2.12       Co-operative Societies today

2.13       The place o Adult education in Co-operative Action

2.14       Classification of |Co-operative According to group served.



3.0            Research Design and Methodology

3.1     Introduction

3.2            Area of study

3.3            Population of the study

3.4            Sample  and Sampling  Procedure

3.5            Instrument for data collection

3.6            Validity

3.7            Method of data analysis



4.0            Date Presentation and Analysis

4.1            Presentation  of Data

4.2            Demographic Analysis of data

4.3            Test of Hypothesis

4.4            Interpretation of Results



5.0            Summary of findings

5.1     Discussion of findings

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendation







1.0            INTRODUCTION

The importance of the Co-operative movement in Nigerian is increasingly being realized as well as many developing countries.

In Nigeria, the lead has been taken by both the Federal and State government who have declared in policy papers, and through concrete actions that Socio economic transformation can best be achieved through co-operative development.  The co-operative laws of 1935, Patronage in the from of tax exemptions, subsidized purchases and credit, as well as administrative supports are a few of the  manifestations of the government intentions.

What has been lacking however, is the ability to  the Co-operative sector to stand on its own.  Ever since its inception, it has depended on government staff and hardly on its own manpower resources.  This, No doubts as a result of a popular but mistaken general notion that the Co-operatives are social welfare organization, and therefore should not shoe results f profits/surpluses.

Hence there was no coherent planning nor institutional arrangement to guide, monitor and ensure the implementation of Co-operative projects.  The past three National development plans are living   witness to these deficiencies.  In accepting the challenge of this obligatory project for final year students of the departments of Accountancy of the Institute of Management and technology, (IMT). I have, therefore chosen to present my research paper on the role of the federal government in Co-operative development in Nigeria.





Co-operative Operation and Administration has been written primarily o satisfy the demands many student in the school of financial studies who have for a factual and authoritative course on Co-operative development.  This project thus   been written with clarity of exposition focused on the  practical requirements for standing and operating a co-operative society successfully.

          But for years the general public particularly the axious co-operators and professionals whose activities deals directly with co-operative problems have been yearning for a course in co-operative Development, with teaching and learning of the subject.  This can be attributed to lack of sufficient reference materials in the area and abstract presentation of the course beyond our local back background by the researchers of the few materials available.

          So, this project work is of five chapter.   Chapter one which deals on the introduction of Co-operative society, its importance statement of research problems, hypothesis, limitations if the study etc.  In chapter two, it ray among other the national Co-operative principles law and regulations in research design and Methodology and dealt within chapter three,. The method of collecting data, instrument used, local or area of study, the sample population etc. Chapter four is where the data analysis and presentation can be found.

And also demographic analysis and hypothesis testing can be found there too. In chapter five, we found finding of different result form hypothesis there recommendation for improvement and lastly their conclusion.
















I am very grateful to the Almighty God whom through his immeasurable help and mercies I was able to present this work.   It would be incomplete if I fail to recognize the assistance of my boss Mrs Chinyere Amaka, Okoye as well as  my Parents Mr. and Mrs. Eluwa and my friends and well wishes who has contributed direct or indirectly to the success of this work.

I am also very greatly for the encouragement’s and directions I received  from my project  supervisors

“Mr. Onovo” under whose auspices this work has been a success.  I will not also forget all my lectures in various disciplines including my Head of Department Mr. Wilson Ani through whose wealth of knowledge  I have also benefited immensely.

Furthermore my thanks also goes to all course mate and my friends who have assisted directly or indirectly or to the realization of this piece of work.

          I say may the Almighty God bless each and every one to us in Jesus name Amen.




Title Page                                                       i

Approval Page      … …                                                 ii

Dedication …                                                   iii

Acknowledgement                                             iv

Table of contents                                              v

Abstract                                                         vi



1.0            INTRODUCTION

1.1     Statement of Research Problems

1.2            Significance of the study

1.3            Research Questions

1.4            Research hypothesis

1.5            Objectives of the study

1.6            Limitations

1.7            Definition terms



          CHAPTER TWO

2.0            LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1     Co-operative law enactment

2.2            Needs for Co-operative Societies in Nigeria and their responsibilities.

2.3            Appointment of pannel to review the Co-operative principles, laws and reputations in Nigeria (1977)

2.4            Terms of reference given to panel

2.5            Limitations of policy  guidelines

2.6            Government views on the report of the review pannel on Co-operative principles, laws and regulations in Nigeria.

2.7            Why Co-operatives are necessary

2.8            The closed economy

2.9            The Industrial Revolution

2.10       The motives of the Pioneers

2.11       Object law the first

2.12       Co-operative Societies today

2.13       The place o Adult education in Co-operative Action

2.14       Classification of |Co-operative According to group served.



3.0            Research Design and Methodology

3.1     Introduction

3.2            Area of study

3.3            Population of the study

3.4            Sample  and Sampling  Procedure

3.5            Instrument for data collection

3.6            Validity

3.7            Method of data analysis



4.0            Date Presentation and Analysis

4.1            Presentation  of Data

4.2            Demographic Analysis of data

4.3            Test of Hypothesis

4.4            Interpretation of Results



5.0            Summary of findings

5.1     Discussion of findings

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendation







1.0            INTRODUCTION

The importance of the Co-operative movement in Nigerian is increasingly being realized as well as many developing countries.

In Nigeria, the lead has been taken by both the Federal and State government who have declared in policy papers, and through concrete actions that Socio economic transformation can best be achieved through co-operative development.  The co-operative laws of 1935, Patronage in the from of tax exemptions, subsidized purchases and credit, as well as administrative supports are a few of the  manifestations of the government intentions.

What has been lacking however, is the ability to  the Co-operative sector to stand on its own.  Ever since its inception, it has depended on government staff and hardly on its own manpower resources.  This, No doubts as a result of a popular but mistaken general notion that the Co-operatives are social welfare organization, and therefore should not shoe results f profits/surpluses.

Hence there was no coherent planning nor institutional arrangement to guide, monitor and ensure the implementation of Co-operative projects.  The past three National development plans are living   witness to these deficiencies.  In accepting the challenge of this obligatory project for final year students of the departments of Accountancy of the Institute of Management and technology, (IMT). I have, therefore chosen to present my research paper on the role of the federal government in Co-operative development in Nigeria.




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