The Role Of Financial Management A Corporate Orgnaisation A Case Study Of Nicon Insurance Company Limited Enugu, Enugu State

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          This project is poised to x= raying the degree of “the role of financial management in a corporate organization”.  The main aim of every business is profit maximization.  Care must therefore be taken to ensure that available finance for a business is well managed. This role is left in the hands of financial manager.

          In conducting the research on this topic, the researcher wishes to visit the Enugu office of the NICON insurance corporation NICON PLC and administer questionnaire to the Zonal Director and other top ranked workers in the corporation in a bid to collect proper information.  It is purely on oral interview, after which critical analysis of data follows.

          Regrettably certain factors will tend to limit research for this information.  Resources are scarce to meet up with transportation expenses to various part of the country for information.  Lectures will be going on in the class, making it impossible for the researcher to go out every time.

          In conclusion, the researcher will suggest that corporate organizations in Nigeria will be compared to those in advanced countries if the finance available to them are managed well.




Title Page

Approval page




Table of contents

Chapter one

1.0            Introduction

1.1     Background of the study

1.2            Statement of problem

1.3            Objective of the study

1.4            Research Hypothesis

1.5            Scope and limitation of the study

1.6            Definition of terms


Chapter two

2.0            Literature review

2.1     General review

2.2            Financial ratio and profit planning

2.3            Current Assets Management

2.4            Break even analysis of a firm

2.5            Forecasting future needs for funds

2.6            Budgeting and investment analysis

2.7            Managing the financial structure


Chapter Three

3.0            Research Design and methodology

3.1     research design

3.2            sources of Data collection,

3.3            Population and sample size

3.4            Methods of investigation

Chapter Four

4.0            Presentations, analysis and interpretation of data

4.1     Analysis of Data

4.2            Hypothesis Testing

Chapter Five

5.0            Summary of findings, conclusion and Recommendation

5.1     Summary of findings

5.2            Conclusions

5.3            Recommendations







Financial management involves all activities of a financial manager concerned with arising of capital, planning cash and credit requirement including the effective control of financial resource.

          The activities could be segregated as follows:

i.                   Converting forecasts into plans and budgets

ii.                 Planning the appropriate capital structure

iii.              Raising cash from outside the business

iv.              Forecasting the future availability of and requirement of cash

v.                 Investing surplus finds

vi.              Controlling cash balances and flows in accordance with plans and

with changing circumstances.

With the emergence of finance as a separate field of study the emphases was more or less on legal matter such as mergers formation of new company’s disposal and consolidation.

With most vital problem of the firm was identification of means of raising capital for possible expansion due to increasing ware in industrialization, the mobility of funds from area of surplus to are of scarcity pose a lot of problems.

In the 1930s the stock of depression ushered in an era of conservation, and attention shifter to such topics as preservation of capital, maintenance of liquidity, reorganization of financially troubled corporations, and the bankruptcy process the federal government assumed a much larger role in regulating business.

In 1940s and early 1950s offered little new in the study or produce of corporate finance.  However, in the mid- 50s a major shift in emphasis took place.  Up to that time, the study of finance had been descriptive o definitional in nature.

Furthermore, the orientation had been from the viewpoint of a third partly, or outside looking in the all changed in the mid-50s as a more analytical decision oriented approach began to evolve.

The first area of study to generate the new found enthusiasm for decision related analysis  was capital budgeting, in which the financial manager was presented with analytical techniques for allocating resources among the various assets of the firm the enthusiasms spread to other decision making areas of the firm such as cash and inventory management, capital structure formulation, and dividend and policy. The emphasis shifted from that  of the  outside looking in to that of the financial manger force to make tough day to-decision affecting the performance of firm.


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The Role Of Financial Management A Corporate Orgnaisation  A Case Study Of Nicon Insurance Company Limited  Enugu, Enugu State