An Evaluation Of Investment Appraisal And Its Application Techniques In A Manufacturing Industry (a Study Of Emenite Limited, Enugu)

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This study examines the evaluation of investment appraisal and its application techniques in manufacturing industries with Emenite Limited Enugu as my study reference. A survey design approach was adopted for the study, which involves the filled survey of forty-five administration of questionnaires. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested in the course of this study. Both primary and secondary source of data were used for the study. The primary data included questionnaire distribution and oral interview while secondary data included journals and internet materials. Data collected were analyzed using simple table and percentages while the hypotheses formulated were tested using chi-square methods. The major finding of the study is that investment appraisal and its application technique in manufacturing industries turns to be a great advantage and importance in investment decision. The study recommends among other things that manufacturing industries in Nigeria should be encouraged to perform one or more rational investment appraisal before embarking on a project of any size.











Title Page                                                                         i

Approval Page                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgements                                                          iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Tables of Contents                                                           vi



1. 1 Background of the Study                                         1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                         3

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                              4

1.4 Research Questions                                                   5

1.5 Statement of hypotheses                                            6

1.6 Scope of the Study                                                     7

1.7 Significance of the Study                                           7

1.8 Definition of Terms                                                    8



2.1 Preamble                                                                    10

2.2 The Need for Investment Appraisal                            11

2.3 Analysis for Investment Decision                               13

2.4 Some Forms of Investment Decision                          15

2.5 Investment Appraisal and its Application                 

Techniques                                                                      16

2.6 Risk and Uncertainty in Investment                          38

2.7 Method of Risk Measurement                                    39



3.1 Research Design                                                        57

3.2 Area of the Study                                                       58

3.3 Population of Study                                                   58

3.4 Sources of Data                                                         59

3.5 Sampling Method                                                      60

3.6 Research Instrumentation                                        60

 3.7 Validity and Reliability of Research Instruments      61

3.8 Method of Data Analysis                                            61



4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis                                62

4.2 Test of Hypotheses                                                     68






5.1   Summary of Findings                                              78

5.2   Conclusion                                                              80

5.3   Recommendation                                                     81

5.4   Implication of the Finding                                                82

5.5   Suggestion for the Further Studies                          83

5.6   Limitation of the Study                                            84









1.1 Background Of The Study

Modern time cal1s for efficient al1ocation of resources by the management of any organization. The survival and growth of any organization makes profitability an indispensable element in the operation of a business organization. This function thus, involves the firm's decision to commit its limited funds in long-term assets and other profitable activities with a view to earning a stream of income over a period of time in the near future.

Investment appraisal is an integral part of capital budgeting and is applicable to areas even where the returns may not be easily quantifiable such as personnel, marketing and training. Investment appraisal decision in any organization is always handled with an utmost care. This is due to the fact that the fund available to the business organization is limited.

Thus, in view of the strategic importance and the nature of investment decision, there is need for a critical analysis and appraisal on investment opportunities before the commitment of the scarce resources to it with the aim of maximizing return.

Hence, by investment appraisal and its application techniques refers to those traditional and scientific tools that management of a business organization makes use of as a guide in investing into viable and lucrative investment opportunities.



1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The choice of best investment opportunities no doubt accrues a lot of benefit to an organization. The stream of income over a period of time is essential for profitability purpose, which has the potential to intensify the survival and accelerate the growth of the business organization with a resultant increase in the wealth of the owner.

From another perspective, a wrong choice of investment opportunity due to inability to appraise it critically in terms of outcome, cash profile and so on will not only regard the growth of the business organization but might make it die prematurely.

This research work is therefore meant to provide solution to know the scope and application of investment appraisal and its application technique, whether it investing in existing or new business.

1.3 Objectives Of The Study

    i.                To find out the extent to which the manufacturing industry apply investment appraisal and its application techniques in their investment decision

  ii.                Examining the effect of application of investment appraisal on the success of manufacturing industries

iii.                Examining the comparative advantage that the decision makers will derive and disadvantages that they may likely encounter in the course of appraising investment and its application techniques.

 iv.                To ascertain the duration in making use of investment appraisal techniques.

   v.                Examining the initiators of capital investment proposal in Emenite Limited.

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions to be considered in this study are as follows:

    i.        What are the relevance of investment appraisal and its application techniques?

  ii.        What are the achievements of pre-determined goal using investment appraisal and the application technique?  

iii.        What are the effects of political and economic reforms in Emenite limited?

 iv.        What are the durations in making use of investment appraisal techniques?

   v.        What are the initiators of capital investment proposal in Emenite limited?

1.5   Research Hypothesis

The researcher developed the following research questions;

H01: Manufacturing industries does not make use of investment appraisal in investment decision making?

HA1: Manufacturing industries makes use of investment appraisal in investment decision making?

H02: The application of investment appraisal techniques does not have any impact on the success of manufacturing industries.

HA2: The application of investment appraisal techniques has significant impact on the success of manufacturing industries.

H03: Political and economic reforms does not have any effect on investment decisions of manufacturing industries.

HA3: Political and economic reforms has significance effect on investment decisions of manufacturing industries.

1.6 Scope Of The Study

This research work is done to access the effectiveness of investment appraisal and its application techniques. This work covens only some issues, analysis and capturing impact of investment appraisal to management of manufacturing industries.

1.7 Significance Of The Study

The significance of this study is to help those who will find this project work more meaningful as related to investment appraisal and its application techniques.

The study will also emphasize in its ability to unveil the benefit of their usage to shareholders, managers, government and need to adopt a more rational approach to investment decision situation rather adhering to the traditional method which is more or less "rule of thumb" before committing the scarce resources to a decision which once taken and committed is irreversible.

 1.8 Definition Of Terms

Investment: Committing funds to project with a view to earning an acceptable stream of income in the future.

Examples include investments in bonds and securities and purchase of assets for company operation etc.

Appraisal: Critical evaluation of the cost of an investment proposal for the benefit in the future.

Evaluation; Determination or assessment of  the value of a project.

Investment Appraisal; An evaluation of the attractiveness  of an investment proposal using methods such as Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, etc.

Application Techniques: Tools for appraising investment opportunities.

Investment Decision; A determination made by directors  and/or management as to when, where and how much capital will be spent on investment opportunities.

Interest: Charge for borrowing money or the return from lending it or cost of using the lent money.


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An Evaluation Of Investment Appraisal And Its Application Techniques In A Manufacturing Industry