The Magnitude And Associated Factor Of Oxygen Desaturation During Rapid Sequence Induction And Intubation At Public Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia Cross-sectional Study 20202021.

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Introduction: Rapid sequence Induction and Intubation is a basic airway managementrntechnique for patients who have risks for pulmonary aspiration. This technique was designedrnto minimize the unprotected airway time and reduce the risk of aspiration during that shortrnperiod. Patients classified to be desaturated when the oxygen saturation level was less thanrn90% rnDuring Anesthesia the patient became unconscious and loses the ability to keep the airway itrnis important to monitor the patients’ oxygen saturation level with pulse oximetry. rnObjective: To determine the Magnitude and Associated Factor of Oxygen Desaturationrnduring Rapid Sequence Induction and Intubation in the public hospital, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. rnMethod: cross-sectional study design was conducted at four Addis Ababa referral Hospitalsrnand selected by using the lottery method. Data were collected from January 30 to April 30,rn2021, using a pretested questioner. The sample size was calculated and convenience samplingrntechniques were applied for 336 patients included in the study, the data were entered andrnanalyzed by SPSS version 24 software performing descriptive statistics, bivariate andrnmultivariable logistic regressions. rnResult: The Magnitude of Oxygen Desaturation during RSII was found in 56 patients 16.7rn%. The minimum and maximum Oxygen desaturation periods were 10 and 120 secondsrnrespectively. Patients who have documented respiratory disease have 4.45 timesrn[AOR=4.459; 95% CI: (1.467-13.549)], patients not preoxygenated, 15.25 times [AOR=rn15.253; 95% CI: (1.760-132.185)], those preoxygenated

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The Magnitude And Associated Factor Of Oxygen Desaturation  During Rapid Sequence Induction And Intubation At Public Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia Cross-sectional Study 20202021.