A Rhetorical Study Of Aphorism And Philosophy In Selected Arabic Texts Of Yoruba Authorship In Nigeria 1960-2015 C.e

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Aphorism and Philosophy as literary genres play significant roles in shedding light on physical, metaphysical, social and ethical issues among human beings. The Arab and the Muslim Western philosophers, in the Middle East during the middle Ages, bequeathed their literary legacy to humanity of public use. Poets and Arabic writers in Nigeria across the age also produced significant works on these two themes but their contributions, to our knowledge, have not been thoroughly examined by researchers. This study therefore, embarked on the rhetorical study of selected Arabic poetry and prose, composed by Yoruba Arabic authors in Nigeria, on aphorism and philosophy. The objectives of the study were to: (i) identify the aphorismatic and philosophical poetry and prose in Arabic works in Yorubaland (1960-2015C.E); (ii) examine the content of the selected works; (iii) analyse their rhetorical and prosodic features; and (iv) evaluate the corpora in accordance with the parameters of the contemporary Arabic literature.rnThe methods adopted were both historical and descriptive. By the historical method, the life history of each poet and writer was document while the descriptive approach was utilized in analysing the thematic and rhetorical aspects of twenty randomly selected poems and prose.rnThe findings of the study were that:rn(I) a total number of 18 poems and 16 prose works on aphorism and philosophy composed by Yoruba authors 1960-2015 C.E were gathered. Only 200/0 percent of the materials are published while the remaining 800/0 are in manuscript.rn(ii) the major contents of the works studied include: call for philosophical creative thinking, the relationship between wisdoms and proverbs, the issue about the knowledge of foetu’s future in terms of fortunate and unfortunate fate. Others are: the significance of contradictory opinions and condemnation of extremism, the argument for and against globalization, recommending solutions to epistemological, social and physical problems.rn(iii) most of the woks effectively employed semantical and rhetorical devices such as Istic arah, Tashbih, maj’az, kinayah, Iijaz and others. While the prosodic aspects of the poems in terms of rn(iv) the works studied were regarded as classical corpuses of high standard in words, meanings and which conform with the acceptable convention in Arabic literature.rnrnThe study concluded that selected Yoruba Arabic poets and writers played significant roles in developing the aphorismatic and philosophical literature to find solution the epistemological, social and physical problems at both local and global levels. The thesis recommended that these types of Arabic texts should be gathered together for publication so that they can be easily accessed for benefit of people at home and abroad.

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A Rhetorical Study Of  Aphorism And Philosophy In Selected Arabic Texts Of Yoruba Authorship In Nigeria 1960-2015 C.e