The Impact Of Mass Media Campaign Against Aids Among Teenagers.

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        This study is aimed to ascertain the impact of Mass Media Campaign aimed at curbing the spread of the disease Aids among teenagers in Benin City.

The objective of the study is also to find out through sample survey whether the teenagers are really getting sufficient information about AIDS blue so as to enable them inform their opinion about the diseases.

        The study look account of the sex, marital status, “Occupational variables that were of relevance to the study.

        The researcher use survey method in execution of the study.

This no doubt, helped on collecting information as to the way people generally perceived the disease AIDS its wave to Nigeria since the mid 1980s.




        The media, as has been established, can provide for audience member a “definition of the situation” on a variety of issues.  By emphasizing certain topics, the mass media create some distorted impressions with their “definition” portraying a reflection of the red society.  For example, if sexual promiscuity regularly portrayed as widely practiced, an individual would define his own behaviour in such a situation as norms internalized.  This would guide his conduct.

Simply by their presence, the mass media have altered the nature of societal communication norm.  large audience have been created that expect the media to provide a continuous flow of news, entertainment, political commentary and other message.  People depend on the media for various forms of gratification based upon content.  If denied such communication, they feel deprived.

(Benelson, 1950, 889-898).  Even in relatively underdeveloped societies, population quickly develop.  Media related habit once mass communication become available to them in form they understand.  People become aware of events outside their immediate experience.

        People according to walter Lippman (1922) act upon basis of “the pichires in our head”, rather than the reality of the world outside. 

We have learned through research that the images and words the media carry, Television, Radio and Newspapers” determines within the limitation posed by intervening factors, open of people and the their actions.

        It is believed that in the imperfect world, there is no single antidote to human ills but publicity is often a vital step to finding the cure for many social ills.  In this line therefore, it is believed that extensive impact of media and true information on the AIDS Campaign will read and  perhaps touch on the sexual habit of people.  When a disease is sexually transmitted, the publicity and effort to eradicate.  It is fortified.  AIDS is the worst disease to hit human race since the Black Plague of the 114th Century.  already, 25 million unsuspecting people have caught this awful disease and do not know it, and might not know it for years.  (van Impe: 1989: Pg. 1)



        The devastating disease “Acquired  Immune Deficiency syndrome “(AIDS) came into word limelight in 1981 when Dr Michael Gottiels of the university of califonia noticed an unusual disease PAEMOCYSTICS CABINII PNEMNIA, in four patients that were homosexual and all below 40 years of  age (NJOKU OBI 1989).

        It is not yet known where AIDS actually started.  It was a disgrace to the scientific community that the emergence of AIDS brought with it a lot of buck passing as regards to the origin of the disease.

        The world Health Organization (WHO) explained it to be a virus of “undermined geographic origin”.  The first case of AIDS were identified in the U.S. and was first recognized in Uganda in 1982.  the virus disease AIDS is a relatively new arrival in Nigeria- at least compared to many other countries According to WHO Global 1988 AIDS/incidence Inventory, the number of  reported case of AIDS was in Nigeria than other countries of the world.

        The African concord magazine who have developed full below AIDS in Nigeria  as approximately 8,000 men and women, many of would have dies.  In the same issue, Dr Olukove Ransome-Kiti, then the minister of health, is quote as saying: Even if we are able to prevent further transmission of the virus, we will expect about 69,000 adult and 39,000 pediatric ADIS cases between 1991 and 1999.  the rate of spread varies from country to country.

        AIDS cases firstly was reported in 1984 in Niarobi, Kenya.  Apparently, AIDS came from monkeys in Africa.  It was a species barriers from animal to  humans.  This virus has grave on human beings rather than in the monkeys that have it.

        Medical experts believe that the green moneys of African passed their centivinis to human through biting and bestiality.  Shocking have committed such acts with animals ( van impe 1987:29).

        Next infected men engaged other men in sexual acts, and the virus spread like wide-fire and no homosexuals internationally.  Scores of such men even_______________ of their homes and filled their wives with the viruses. 

RISK; A single exposure is suficial for a person to contact AIDS.

PROGNOSIS; current statistic suggest that if a person becomes HIV positive, there is a 60 percent chance of developing AIDS within 7 years.


DISTRIBUTION; AIDS is a worldwide disease so terrifying and devastating.  AIDS is seen equally in both men and women especially the prostitutes and their customers.  The spread is mainly heterosexual.  Prof. Njioku Obi (1989) noted Zaire, Bunindi, Pwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi as the “Afican AIDS Belt” However, New York, Los Angels and San Franciso have been called the Aids centers of the Western World’.

Aetilogy:    AIDS is caused by a retrovirus, Retrovirus like other virus, Retrovirus like other virus reproduce only in living cells of a host species.


HIV has been isolated from Blood, Semen, Vaginal Sectretions and other body fluid including breast milk, saliva and possibly tears.  However, transmission is through sexual relationship, blood transfusion and use of stinger incubation period.


        It takes on the average an  interval of 29 months 12 months between exposure to the virus and manifestation of AIDS in adult and children respectively.


        Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a sexually transmitted disease which is less than fifteen years has spread through the present lack of vaccine for prophylaxis, or drugs for one.

        The AIDS virus infects cells in the brain and causes what is known as Dementia, or brain disease.  People who have this suffer from impaired short-term memory, mental confusion, personality, they may succumb to paranoia, sometimes psychoses, mutism (they become unable to speak) in  continence (they have loss of muscular contra) and finally coma and death (van Impe, 1987).

        The  world health Organization (WHO) has taken the bull by the horn.  It is in the media of world wide they attempt to control of the disease.  AIDS which for appeared to be a disease affecting mainly the homosexual population has become a scourge affecting people of every race and life-styles.


        International news releases from countries of the worls reported that; AIDS is spreading like wide fire, countries like Australia, America and Switzerland reports the severity of this disease.  Millions dies from AIDS.  There have been other plagues throughout history.  Millions died because of Spanish influenza, bulbonic plague, and yellow- fever, small pox, polio, multiple scterosis and cancer.  However, sensible way of stopping the spread of AIDS is through dissemination of information and deliberate education, combined with personal changing life style, there has to be public health measures take.



        Up to the end of 2003, ever 20 millions of Nigerian have proved positive for AIDS.

        The truth is that the diseases is spreading fast.  It is worthy to note that with the above figure.  That about 150 people get infected per week in Nigeria.  More than 15 million or 80 percent are female while the remaining 20 percent are male.  Beside, 15 percent out of the 80 percent are female children under the age of ten.  While 8 out of the 20 percent are male children under the age of ten years also.

        Researcher proved that the adult infected AIDS victims fall within the age range of 18-45 years which is the prime age of like.



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The Impact Of Mass Media Campaign Against Aids Among Teenagers.