The Role Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Of Organization (a Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology Imt Enugu State)

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The main purpose of this research study was to appraise the roles of effective leadership in the achievement of organization objectives, especially in the institute of management and technology, IMT Enugu, in Enugu state.

 This research work was conducted in  Enugu State. The area of study constitute the institute of management and technology personnel and union leader. To elicit reliable and accurate information, based on the above topic, a total number of two hundred and nine for the personnel and union leaders were used by the research to obtain reliable information based on the study.

The outcomes of the study  revealed that the role of  effective leadership have great impact in the  achievement of organization objectives, that the institute of  Management and Technology, have  efficient and effective machinery to implement  her planned programme for effective leadership roles and that the union  leaders and personnel are satisfied with the roles of organization objectives.

The conclusions reached were that every organization should consider some internal and external factors before choosing the kind of leadership style and the effective leadership should be empowered and encouraged by the subordinates

          Based on the findings and the conclusion, the following recommendation were made that organization should choose leaders that are goal and people oriented that a true democratic

Leadership style is recommended as the best leadership style for every  organization that want to achieve her organization  objectives.

Finally subordinates should encourage and support the efforts of effective leadership so as to achieve organization  objectives.      
















Title  Page   …………………………………….                                i

Approval  Page              …………………………………….             ii

Dedication            …………………………………….                       iii

Acknowledgement         …………………………………….                       iv

Abstract               …………………………………….                       v

TABLE  OF  CONTENTS ……………………………………          .         vi

 CHAPTER ONE Introduction  

1.1     Background of the study                                                         1

1.2     Statement of the problem                                                        4

1.3            Objective of the study                                                             8

1.4            Objective question                                                                           

1.5            Formulation of hypothesis                                                      10

1.6            Significance of the study                                                         12

1.7            Scope of the study                                                                   14

1.8            Limitation of the study                                                            14

1.9            Definition of term                                                                    15

Reference                                                                                 16



LITERATURE REVIEW                                                        17

2.0            OVER VIEW                                                                          20

2.1     Definition of         leadership                                                   18

2.2     Types of leadership                                                                22

2.3     Nature of leadership                                                                31

2.4     Various approach   to leadership                                            36

2.4.1 The trait approach to leadership                                                       36

2.4.2  Situational approach  to leadership                                        40

2.4.3 Fielders contingency approach to leadership                                     42

2.5            Leadership behaviour and styles                                             43

2.6            Environmental and systems, problems in leadership              60

2.7            Prospect                                                                                  64

2.8            Reference                                                                                 66



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                             70

3.0            Research design                                                                       70

3.1     Area of study                                                                          71

3.4            Sample and sampling procedure                                             72

3.3            Instrument for data collection                                        73     

3.4            Validation of the research instrument                                     74

3.5            Reliability of the research instrument                                      75

3.6            Method of administration of the research Instrument    75

3.7            Method of Data Analysis                                                        76



4          DATA Presentation and Results                                       78

     Summary of Result  / Finding                                            104


Discussion Implication, Recommendation                     109

5.1   Discussion Of Results                                                     109

5.2     Conclusions                                                                             110

5.3     Implications   Of The Result                                          110

5.4     Recommendation                                                           113

5.5   Suggestions for Further Research                                             114 

5.6     Limitation of the study                                                  115




1.0            INTRODUCTION


An effective leadership has been widely acknowledged as a potent instrument for achieving organisation goals   and objectives especially in the Institution of Management and Technology, IMT, Enugu.

Leadership is an important aspect of managing the ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager; the essence of leadership is fellowship. In otherwords, it is the willingness of people to follow that makes a person a leader. Moreover, people tend to follow those whom they perceive as providing a means of achieving their own desires, wants and needs. That is why any organization that desires to achieve her objectives, must have an effective and efficient leadership who knows how to apply all the management principles in achieving her organizational objectives. The leader must be one who is willing to work with zeal and confidence. Zeal here reflect ardor earnestness, and intensity in the execution of work, confidence reflects experience and technical ability. To lead is to guide, conduct, direct and proceed. Leaders act to help a group achieve objectives with maximum application of its capabilities. They should not be leaders who do not stand behind a group or organization to push and to proud. They should place themselves before. The group as they facilitate progress and inspire the group to accomplish organizational goals.

This is the kind of leadership we desire to have in our institutions especially in IMT, Enugu. Furthermore, it should be noted that, any organization without an effective efficient leadership is like one driving a car without a head-lamp in the night. This could be very dangerous and could also


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The Role Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Of Organization