The Effect Of Non-financial Incentives On Staff Productivity The Case Of Flintstone Engineering

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Employees are the main force behind an organizations success and they need to be motivatedrnthrough various means including financial and non-financial incentive mechanisms. However,rnthe effect of such incentive packages on the productivity of employees has not well documentedrnand limited information on non-financial incentive approaches. The purpose of this study was tornassess the effect of non-financial incentives on employees productivity in Flintstone engineering.rnThe study adopted an explanatory and descriptive research design. Out of 215 target populationrna sample size of 140 was taken using Yemani’s statistical formula and responses of 140rnemployees were analyzed. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20 was used tornanalyze data. The validity of the instrument was checked and internal consistency of therninstrument was measured using Cronbach Alpha. Hypotheses were established to verify therneffect of all the independent variables (recognition, promotion, performance feedback andrnworking condition) on the dependent variable (Employees’ productivity). The finding indicatedrnthat 47.4% predictability in employee productivity is described by the independent variablesrn(recognition, promotion, performance feedback and working condition). The findings indicatedrnthat recognition, promotion, performance feedback and working condition have significantrnrelationship with employee productivity. The results prove that Non-Financial incentives arernimportant predictors that have an effect on employee productivity. The company must be able tornimprove and pay more attention to the provision of non-financial incentives especially promotionrnand working condition in providing the variables in a fair manner in accordance with employeernperformance contributions in order to improve, employee productivity

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The Effect Of Non-financial Incentives On Staff Productivity The Case Of Flintstone Engineering