The Effect Of Corporate Culture On Employees Engagement The Case Of Addis International Bank S.c

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The objective of the study was to examine the effect of corporate culture on employees’ engagement the case of Addis International Bank. To investigate such effect, the Daniel Denison models or traits of culture which were Adaptability, Consistency, and Involvement and Mission cultures were used. Data were collected from the population of 180 samples, with convenience sampling technique, and 146 of them responded to the self administered questionnaire. The study has applied explanatory type of research design and quantitative research approach. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regressions were proof or assess the cause and effect relationship of the independent and dependent variable. The findings of the study shown that there was a significant relation or effect of Consistency, Involvement and mission traits of culture on employees’ engagement with a significance of (α) is less than 0.05 but effect of Adaptability has no significant effect on employees engagement as α>0.05 in the regression analysis. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the independent variables, (involvement, consistency and mission) have significant relationship with the dependent variable employee’s engagement. But the adaptability trait of corporate organizational culture has no statistically significant relationship with employees’ engagement. Adaptability was found to be not significantly related with employee engagement. The bank shall also keep on investing on the skills of employee’s. The bank shall also give due emphasis on innovative and technology based way of doing business. Findings suggest that future research shall be done using other variable and other mediating variables to measure engagement

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The Effect Of Corporate Culture On Employees Engagement The Case Of Addis International Bank S.c