The Effect Of Unbridle Importation On Indethe Effectiveness Of Budgeting As A Management Planning Tool In The Nigeria Public Sectors With Particular References To 2004 National Budgetgineous Industries (a Case Study Of Nigeri

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This work project work is specifically centred on the effectiveness of budgeting as a management-planning tool in the Nigeria, Public sector with particular emphasis to 2004 national budget. The researcher also looked or examined the roles or contributions of budgeting, especially the 2004 national budget towards the enhancement of economic growth and development. Both primary and secondary data were collected to solve the research problem.

The population study comprised only the personnel’s of five selected government institutions in Enugu State. The research instrument employed for data collection were questionnaire and oral interview.

          Table’s regencies and percentage were used in presenting and analysis the data collected. Chi-square statistic was used to test the various hypotheses, since this was a test of goodness of fit.

          Based on the data analysis the researcher came up with the following findings;

That the 2004 national budget is very effective in the achievements of some gets objective of the public sectors, of other in the multiplicity of the public sectors, it has helped to review workers performance and hence, its application has not posed any difficulties in the Nigeria public sectors.

          Based on the above findings, the researcher also drew his conclusions and made dome recommendations, which include the followings.

That the government should provide adequate funds in her annual budget so as to assist the public sectors in discharging their activities, and hence imprive and promote economic growth, development and create employment opportunities in the country and also to ensure that every annual budget, should be a result of the collective effort of all concerned.



Title page

Approval page







1.1            Background of the study

1.2            State of the problem

1.3            Purpose of the study

1.4            Statement of research hypothesis

1.5            Significance of the study

1.6            Scope and limitation of the study

1.7            Definition of terms

References (if any)


Literature review

2.0            An overview

2.1     The origin and definition of budget and budgetary system.

2.2            The Budgetary process in Nigeria.

2.3            Goals and objective of government budget.

2.4            Summary of the 2004 national budget

2.5            Prospects of the 2004 national budget in the public sector

2.6            Types of budgeting

2.6.1    Traditional budgeting

2.6.2    Functional budgeting

2.7            The budgeting cycle

2.8            Planning programming budgeting system (PPBS) and the Mechanic of PPBS.

2.9            Problems of implanting budget




Research methodology 

3.0            Design of the study

3.1     Selection of population

3.2            Development of research materials

3.3            Research procedure

3.4            Treatment of data




4.1            Presentation of data

4.2            Analysis of data




5.1            Summary of findings

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendations






1.0            INTRODUCTION


A budget is a standard with which to measure the actual achievements of people departments, firms, etc. it relates to a certain function, whether the function be a country, district, council, company division or an operating unit.

It is the principal instrument that tempts to impose a sense of order on the multiplicity of public sector activities. It is a plan of revenues and expenditures for the forth coming fiscal year, and often, it is related to plans and project for a longer period as well. Thus the preparation for the annual budget is an occasion for introducing new programme and interrelating them with existing operations, an occasion for the review of considerations affecting operating efficiency of the system, an occasion for investigating administrative accountability, an occasion for decision making about the composition and level of government outputs, and also about the relative importance of the goals of stabilization, distribution and growth an occasion for review of the existing programmes as a basis for executive recommendations regarding their expansion or contraction  and an occasion for enforcing constitutional requirements by assuring that revenue and expenditures to the wishes of the electorate,, through their representatives are adequately carried out.

Spencer (1980:p.102), defines budget as an itemized estimate of expected revenue and expenders for a given period in the future. So, in our views, a budget is a financial road map. It tells us where revenue are expected to come from and where expenditures are expected to go.

Also Teriba (1985,P.96) views the budget as a financial statement which sets out estimate of government expenditure and revenue for the coming year. The ministry of financial and present prepares it to parliament, which debates it and votes on it.

Budget preparation is a process of negotiation that involves a balance between what it will cost to meet an organizational objective and the expectations of income from the relevant source of revenue.

The primary purpose of the government budget is to permit the government body concerned to make national decision concerning the optimum and proper kinds of expenditure, taxes and debt operations. The government through the budgetary process, has to determine the expenditure priorities of the government, how much should be taken from the private sector in one hand and how this should be parcel out among the agencies of the public sector on the other, how to obtain adequate revenue to meet up with the expected expenditures; specific attachment to certain priorities and consequences of the prevailing inflation and unemployment rates in the economy; the pattern of income distribution, the level of growth rate and economic development.

The government budget serve the following goals and objective; proposed allocation of resources, the control of expenditures; distributive role, a communication device, stabilization role, enhance growth document and requisition for and approval of funds by the executive and the legislative arms of government respectively.



The purpose of this research work is specifically cent red on the effectiveness of budgetary control as a management-planning tool in the Nigeria Public sectors, with particular reference to 2004 national budget.

Budgetary control, particularly the 2004 national budget serves as a yardstick in which the actual performance of the government public sector can be evaluated.

It is used as a link between Planning and control in the Nigeria a public sector and also to impose a sense of order on the multiplicity of public sector activities. Furthermore, it Mays a distributive and stabilization role in the Nigeria public sector. It is also used to enhance the .economic growth and development of the country, through the public sector’s contributions.

But in spite of all the goals and objectives which the budgetary control serves, particularly the 2004 national budget in the Nigeria public sector, so much hp- services have been pond to its effectiveness as a management-planning tool in the Nigeria public sector. There have been reported cases of low performances of workers in the Nigeria public sectors, poor motivation of workers couple with their inability to achieve a set target, low productivity, inefficiency, poor control and evaluation, poor resources allocation and poor decision making in the areas of determining the expenditure priorities of the public sectors.

It is in the light of the above, that the following pertinent questions are being set to answer;

How effective and efficient is the 2004 national budget as a management-planning tool in the Nigeria public sector? Has it gained increasing rise in the Nigeria public sector? Has it application posed any difficulty in the Nigeria Public sector? Has it usefulness been fully appraised? Has it enhanced the growth and development of Nigeria? Has it imposed some serve of sector on the multiplicity of the Nigeria Public sectors? Has it enhanced in the decision making of the Nigeria public sector? Why is the 2004 national budget be regarded as a means of evaluating the level of efficiency of the entire public sector by frequently comparing expected performance with the actual results obtained? Has it helped to review performance at all levels of the management of the public sectors? Has it helped in the assignment to ensure effective performance in the public sectors? Why is the 2004 national budget, a very vital yardstick for evaluating and controlling workers performance as well as the public sector’s activities? Has it motivated workers and ensured the possible achievement of a set target in the Nigeria public sector?


1.3     PURPOSE OF THE STUDY         

The study will address the following objective;

1.                 To find out the effectiveness of 2004 national budget as a management planning tool in the Nigeria public sectors.

2.                  To also ascertain whether the 2004 national budget would enhance economic growth and development

3.                 To also evaluate the effectiveness of 2004 national budget towards imposing a sense of order on the multiplicity of the public sector in Nigeria.

4.                 To asses the effectiveness of 2004 national budget in introducing new programmes and interrelating them with existing operations in the Nigeria public sector

5.                 To ascertain whether the 2004 national budget as an effective management planning tool has enhanced the productivity of the Nigeria public sector

6.                 To ascertain to what extent, the 2004 national budget has enhanced the economic growth and development of Nigeria, through the public sector.

7.                  To appraise whether the effectiveness of 2004 national budget as a management planning tool has contributed to the decision making about the composition, level of government outputs and also about the relative importance of the goals of stabilization distribution and growth.

8.                 Finally, to proper or make some recommendations on how to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of 2004 national budget as a management planning tool in the Nigeria public sector.



The following hypothesis from the framework for carrying out the study

Ho:    The 2004 national budget is not of any importance to the Nigeria Public Sector

Hi:     The 2004 national budget is of importance to the Nigeria Public sector.

Ho:    It has not imposed a sense of order on the multiplicity of the Nigeria Public sector

Hi:     It has imposed a sense of order on the multiplicity of the Nigeria public sector.

Ho:    The 2004 national budget is not an effective and efficient management Planning tool in the Nigeria Public sector.

Hi:     The 2004 national budget is an effective and efficient management-planning tool in the Nigeria Public sector.



This research work will be of immense importance to the national in general and the public sectors in particular. In addition, it will equally be of great importance to the management of various public sectors.

          Since the recommendations and findings of this study will help them to form a kind of baseline from which they (Public sectors) will use to examine evaluate their performances and determine the extent of their budget effectiveness. This study is very timely, especially now that all hands are on deck to enhance the development and growth of Nigeria economy through the public sector contributions.

          Furthermore, the study will be of immense benefit to both the public and the private sectors, towards determining their budget effectiveness as management planning tool. In addition, the study will determine the factors or problems limiting the effectiveness of 2004 national budget as a management-planning tool in the Nigeria public sector. It is expected that the findings will help to bridge any gap that may exist and to make these sectors, particularly, the public sector more effective, efficient, portable and productive. It is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of the 2004 national budget as a management planning tool in the Nigeria public sector, especially today we want to enhance high productivity, profitability and administrative accountability in the Nigeria public sector. It seems a lot of problems are being encountered, that make the 2004 national budget not an effective and efficient management-planning tool in the Nigeria public sector.

Through this investigation, therefore, the public sector will understand their shortcomings or weak points and will subsequently adopt measures aimed at enhancing their budget effectiveness as a management planning tool.

The government will be in the position enable the public sector enhance their productivity, profitability and attain the nation’s economic growth and development by employing proper machineries towards the proper implementations of the 2004 national budget.



For the purpose of this research work the researcher has decided to limit her researcher work to the effectiveness of budgeting as a management planning tool in the Nigeria a public sector. (An analysis of the 2004 national budget).

This study will go further to deal with some of the factors that affect the effectiveness of the 2004 national budget, how budgets are being Nigeria Public sector and to what extent the Public sector in Nigeria are budgetary consions.

Furthermore, a research of this nature is not an easy task. This is basically true, considering the fact that it is carried out when the researcher is still in school. The researcher in the course of embarking on this research encountered the following problems, time, financial constraints, uncompromising attitudes of the respondents and dearth of research materials.



BUDGET: This id an itemized estimates of expected revenue and expenditures for a given period in the future.

BUDGETARY CONTROL: This is the planning in advance of the various functions of a business so that the business as a whole can be controlled. 

PRIVATE SECTOR: This is the generic term covering all economic activities, which are under private ownership and control.

PUBLIC SECTOR: This refers to all undertakings, which are either wholly owned or controlled by the government.













Spencer, M.H (1980), Contemporary Economic New York: Worth Publishers. Inc. 

Orji, J. (1996), Elements of Banking, Nigeria. Rock Communications.

Ministry of Budget and Planning (1990),” The New Revenue Alleviation Formular” The Nigeria Economist, Vol. 4 No .9. FEB,

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The Effect Of Unbridle Importation On Indethe Effectiveness Of Budgeting As A Management Planning Tool In The Nigeria Public Sectors With Particular References To 2004 National Budgetgineous Industries