The Role Of Policy Implementation On The Performance Of Nigeria Public Sector Organization. (a Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu)

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This research work was necessitated by the need to effectively understand the role of policy implementation on the performance of Nigeria public sector organization.

However, the government with relative capital has therefore failed an irresistible temptation of going in to detect investment in economic venture.  But of recent, when has been the nation the public sector enterprises are having problems in policy implementation.  Among the forms of business establishments, the public sector is the most dominant in the economy.  Lesser attention has been paid to problems of policy implementation in the public sector while more emphasis is being placed as their productivity.


Meanwhile, the failure of parastatals is not inherent in the nature of the enterprise.  Is there failure due to the incapacity of the owner and their agenda to allow management to manage the enterprise?


Infact, as the researcher proceeds and advances in his research, these questions will receive their most appropriate answers.  Also, vague ideas about its policy implementation performance and its activities will be explained including its pre-historic era.


Above all, the role of policy implementation on the performance of Nigeria public sector organization, which is the care of this research work, will be outlined with recommendations for its improvement, continuous growth and survival.                                                


Title page   

Approval page              




Table of content            

List of tables                 


CHAPTER ONE:                  INTRODUCTION                

1.1            Background of the study                           

1.2            Statement of the problem                 

1.3            Purpose of the study              

1.4            Scope of the study                  

1.5            Research questions                 

1.6            Research hypothesis               

1.7            Significant of the study          



2.1            Meaning and history of government participation in business

in Nigeria   

2.2            Obstacles of managerial policy implementation in the pubic


2.3     Remuneration and motivation in the public sector                 



3.1            Research design            

3.2            Area of the study          

3.3            Population of the study          

3.4            Sample and sampling procedure               

3.5            Instrument for data collection          

3.6            Reliability and validity of instrument                           

3.7            Method of data collection                

3.8            Method of data analysis         



4.1            Presentation and Analysis of data             

4.2            Testing of hypothesis             

4.3            Summary of results                



5.1            Discussions of results             

5.2            Conclusions                  

5.3            Implication(s) of the research finding        

5.4            Recommendations                  

5.5            Suggestions for further findings                

5.6            Limitation of the study           


          Appendix   a                

          Appendix    b      




Questionnaire distribution             

4.1                                                            Management problems 

4.2                                                            Management fundamentals              

4.3                                                            Adopted managerial strategies                  

4.4                                                            Government interference and managerial

4.5                                                            Decisions             

4.6                        Efficiency and successful manager.













The aim of this chapter is to present the introductory part of this project work, sub-divided into the following sub-headings



According to Nwankwo (1992) in his book education and training for the public sector management in Nigeria states, that one of the most pressing problems of development in the newly emerging nation of Asia, Africa and Latin America is the lack of management capability for planning and implementation of government programmes as well as the delivery of various social services. Most of these developing countries have inherited from their colonial masters a system of administration and management that was designed for the maintenance of few basic services, law and order.


The administration and sub-culture have been persisted after independence despite the effort of these countries to individualize their public sector bureaucracies, but the rapid race at which programmes and projects are being either undertaken or sought b the developing nation calls for a different kind of managerial expertise in the public sector.


In Nigeria, the nationalists that took over the administration of this country after independence in 1960 were faced with the issue of nationalizing the various segments of the economy for the achievement of rapid technological and industrial growth. In most growing economy then, money was in short supply. Additionally, skilled manpower was in short supply and private investments were therefore very low. Government with relative capital has therefore failed an irresistible temptation of going in to detect investment in economic ventures. But of recent, there has been the notion that the government owned enterprises are having problem in policy implementation. This research will in this study look into the problem of policy implementation on the performance of Nigeria public sector organization with special reference to the Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu, The publisher of printer newspaper.

The Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu was established immediately after the creation of Delta State on 27th August 1991, from the former Bendel State.


Its primary responsibility is to gather and disseminate information within Delta State and Nigeria in general. The affairs of this company is run by board of directors whose members and chairman are politically appointed by the state government.


The board is to lay down policy of the company while the chief executive officer (General manager) sees to the day-to-day implementation and running of the affairs of the company. At present the affairs of this company is group into the following departments, administration, finance, engineering, distribution, commercial and operation.



Okigbo (1994) said that the failure of parastatals is not inherent in the nature of the enterprise. The failure is due to the incapacity of the owner and their agenda to allow management to mange the enterprise. This is one of the many statements made by prominent scholars in Nigeria about government owned enterprises in Nigeria. Many of them are run at loss and government complained while the management of these enterprises accused her of total neglect and undue interference.


It is therefore on this basis that the researcher has considered it important to investigate these enterprises with special reference to Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu to look further into possible solutions to such problems as

1.                 Identifying the causes of non-implementation of management policies in the public sector organization and making due recommendations as a way of solving the problem

2.                 How the integrity of managers in POINTER influences policy implementation and its reflection on the assignment of organizational objectives.

3.                 Finding ways and means of improving efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of policies in the said public sector.


1.3            PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

          The public enterprises in Nigeria as we have seen are characterized by                    many problems as regards policy implementation. This research work    attempts to examine how to make the public sector more efficient and effective.

The prudence of the management workforce, policies depicts and efficient and effective organization. This study therefore tries to discuss.


(i)                Problems of implementation of management policy in the Nigeria public sector.

(ii)             Remedies to the said problems and means of improving efficiency in the said sector.

(iii)           Strategies for such policy implementation and for alienation of public bureaucracies for efficiency in the said sector.

(iv)           Finally is making due recommendation in subsequent chapter of this research work..


1.4            SCOPE OF THE STUDY

In any research work, it is important to state its scope and limitation so that criticisms and or praises will be based on the areas one has covered. Same applies to this study, hence the study was focused on identifying and analysing, the role of policy implementation on the performance of Nigeria public sector organization and making recommendation especially as it concern the Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu.





The following research questions were obtained from the administrative section of the Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu to enhance this research work to the standard expected.


(i)                What are the problems of management policies in this organization “NITEL”?

(ii)             Do you think the fundamental managerial setting in NITEL is suitable for another organization?

(iii)           What strategies do you envisage in order to meet management objectives?

(iv)           What other machineries do you use in your organization?

(v)             Does government interference influences management decisions?

(vi)           Are you aware that for a manager to be successful and efficient, he needs a sound training and experience?




The following hypothesis have been generate as a guide in this study:

Ho:    Government intervention in the operations and policies of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu is not an impediment in the implementation and interpretation of policies.

Hi:     Government intervention in the operations and policies of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited Enugu is an impediment in the implementation and interpretation of policies.


Ho:    Discontinuity in the work life span of managers and their tenure in office does not reflect the results we get from the public sector.

Hi:     Discontinuity in the work life span of managers and their tenure in office does reflect the results we get from the public sector.


Ho:    Political appointment and continued interference in the public sector with reference to NITEL does not affect policy implementation.

Hi:     Political appointment and continued interference in the public sector with reference to NITEL does affect policy implementation.



Lesser attention has been paid to problems of policy implementation in the public sector while more emphasis is being placed on their productivity for the fact that this study is focused on the said problems in the public sector. The researcher took an in-depth look at the said problem before narrowing it down to NITEL.


A well established management machinery or a smooth running managerial team enable the organization to enjoy the multiple effect of its merits.

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The Role Of Policy Implementation On The Performance Of Nigeria Public Sector Organization.