Low Productivity In Our Public Organizations And Its Effect On The Economy.

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1.0         INTRODUCTION


The term low productivity refers to the inability of our public organization to produce up to installed capacity. It is when the organization produces up to installed capacity or something nearer that one can say that such organization is doing well.


Nigeria is blessed with fiscal and human resources necessary for industrial development and buoyant economy. It has a large and e3xpanding consumption market as well as an emerging and aggressive group capable of exploiting opportunitie4is in both domestic and foreign market.


The growth of the manufacturing sectors was rapid in the early sixties and seventies. For instance the growth was 11% between 1962 and 1966 and 10% between 1970 and 1973. it share of grass national product however increased by only 2.15% between 1962 and 1972 partly because of the predominance of the mining and oil sector.

Nigeria the 6th world producers of oil and the first in Africa still import fuel from other countries. An average Nigerian is now used to the crises. In crisis is no longer news in our country and still we have four refineries.


This seemingly unstoppable low productivity in our public organization have had an adverse effect in our national economy, for instance we are the greatest producer in Africa. This scarce foreign reserve is what we could have used in importing other goods that are scarce here in our country.


The low productivity in our public organization have made our development plans to returned up side down and had equally put our economy in a doldrums.


A country richness is measured by the amount it has in its foreign reserve, our economy have been stagnant for sometime now partly because of our wasteful nature. 


We establish organization without first of all planning very well, so that we would have taken all constraints that will militant against full production. E.g. Raw material into consideration.



Low productivity in our public organization dominates discussion in many circles in Nigeria today.


Public organizations have continued to witness increase low productivity in recent time. It was reported by Nigeria economic society and manufacturers association of Nigeria that public organizations lost between N5-N10 billion naira between 1985-1990.


In 1994 about N460.3 million was lost by public organization due to low productivity while 1995 with easel the loss of about n502.8 million by these organization due to the same problem showing an increase of about N42.3 million. While these organization are busy working out means of increasing to productivity, the problems continue to increase unable it will be pointed out here that the results or implications of these are damaging. Low productivity leads to unnecessary lost of huge amount of money. These losses of money by these organizations cripple the economy of the nation. Again every incidence of low productivity reduces public confidence on public organization.


Furthermore, the low productivity in public organizations delays or blows down the industrial development in this country. People shy away from investing their money in their companies for fear of low return of investment.


It is therefore, the adverse position, low productivity in public organizations places in our economy that crops up this project.



In view of the above mentioned problems, it becomes obvious that if nothing positive is do to check these incidence of low productivity, it could load to unpleasant consequences on the economy.


The objective of these research work are therefore to carry out survey and investigation on this canker worm that has eaten deep on our public organization. The study will also determine the causes and the basic factors that are raised to low productivity in our public organization.


The objectives of the study will also be concerned with looking into possible effects of low productivity on the operation of the economy.


Furthermore, to examine the various management and government devices geared towards eliminating or controlling low productivity.


Finally, to present recommendation or solutions that may help in reducing or eliminating low productivity.



Low productivity in our public organization like canker worm has eaten deep into the fabrics of our various industries. In view of that, effort has been made in this research work and all avenues exploited so as to proffer solution on reduction of low productivity.


More importantly public organization in Nigeria will derive great assistance from the work in finding solution to the low production problem facing them. This they can do by adopting and implementing the various suggestions and recommending the various suggestions and recommendations made in the study.


The research will also be more important to those students carrying out our research on how productivity in government establishment. Government will equally benefit from this work.


Therefore, this research will be for mutual benefit of managers, shareholders, students, government and general public whose confidence on public organization will once be restored.


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Low Productivity In Our Public Organizations And Its Effect On The Economy.