The Impact Of Cooperative Organization In The Development Of Imo – State (a Case Study Of Omu – West L.g.a

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The little of this study is the impact of cooperative organization in the development of Imo – state (a case study of oru – west L.G.A) this work is particularly based on the perception of cororative enterprise as regard its impact in development of any form.

In chapter one of this work which is the introduction, the researcher x – rayed the dynamic nature of cooperative enterprises re–instation the main thrust of the or gain in development or as a mean of development. The problem, objective and significance of the study were clearly stated as well as scope and limitation research question on subject of study were also included.

In chapter two, which deals with literature review, the researcher reviewed various definition of cooperative by notable workers. Defines also were instrument of development and the impact of cooperative organization in rural development the also to identify the history of cooperative societies in oru – west as well as in Nigeria, the origin and function of the divisional cooperative council (DCC) and finally, the impact, achievement and problem of cooperative societies in oru west.

Chapter three, contains research design and methodology. There, the researcher stated source of data used, used, personality administered questionnaire and the purposive sampling method unsupplied in setting the needed information and the method of investigation and opted.

Chapter four contain the presentation, analysis and interaction of the data. In  this regard, the researcher used the percentages to analysis the data so presented and used preachers as a further illustration of the data collection tables were also used.

Finally, chapter five contains the summary of findings the conclusion and the far reaching recommendation made on the basis of the finding of this research work. At any rate, the error and mistakes contained here in are entirely that of the researcher.









Title page

Approval page




Table of content



1.1            Background of study

1.2            Statement of problem

1.3            Objective of the study

1.4            Significance of the study

1.5            Scope and limitation of study

1.6            Limitation

1.7            Research question

1.8            Definition of terms


2.1            Literature review

2.2            The history of cooperative in Nigeria

2.3            Criteria form performance appraisal

2.4            The impact of cooperative societies in oru – west local government area

2.5            Government participation in cooperative

2.6            The problem associated with cooperative development

2.7            The classification of cooperative



3.1            Research design and methodology

3.2            Source of data

3.3            Method of data collection

3.4            Population of the study

3.5            Method of investigation

3.6            Validity and reliability of the measuring instrument

3.7            Sampling technique



4.1            Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

4.2            Presentation and analysis of section A

4.3            The research question

4.4            The presentation and analysis of section B



5.1            Summary of finding

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendation


Appendix A

Appendix B







Cooperative societies are very important instrument of development. Its relevance in development cannot be over emphasized. The socio – economic situation of this country is such a complex one. The rich are accorded a lot of privilege they live in the urban area and enjoy a lot of amenities the poor are quarantine in the rural area with little or no amenity to enjoy. Majority of Nigeria’s population live in the rural area. The rural area are characterized by how per capital income, and how agricultural output the consequent on poor soil, tools and weak infrastructure.

It is in realization of this, that government rural want to reach to this rural area and help them to develop through the use of cooperative enterprises.

Nigeria cooperative societies had their genesis in the wake of the would depression of 1930 – 1935. the major interest of the colonial masters introduces cooperative at that are was agricultural, cooperative societies room sprang – up. Cooperatives are socio – economic organization whose usefulness in the transformation of communities have been internationally acknowledge.

The international cooperative alliance (I.C.A) in declaring (1971 – 1980). The cooperative decade, asserted the need for cooperative as an aid to development in the les developed countries. The cooperative society is generally regarded as instrument for economic and social progress.

“in order to produce more food for our teeming population farmers should join cooperative societies. Cooperative is the fresh way to mobilization the peasant and harnessing of hand for increase food production. Besides it is only through cooperative societies that government aid can reach farmers in the form of loans, tractors, fertilizers seeds and seedling. Through cooperative, farmers ca learn new method of farming and received technical assistance from extension workers Onuoha (1988:1).

Statement of the root are true enough but they suffer one handicap, they are vague and abstract and can be misleading. They can mislead people into thinking that the word cooperative has magic powers, once your form a cooperative, food with be produced in abundance and the socio – economic difference with be abridged, no matter what cooperative and no matter hour efficiently the cooperative is management and structured, just form a cooperative society set it registered and the problem is solved. To avoid deceiving people, it is again this background that the research want to look at the impact of cooperative organization in the development of Imo state and oru west local government area in particular.



There are many problem that are likely to affect any cooperative society in the process of its application in bringing development to its communities.

          Generally, the country has both internal and external problem which continue to frustrate any attempt at using cooperative to develop substantially the internal problem manifest themselves in the nature of inappropriate economic measure like deficit budgeting, over – valued exchange rate huge external debts, unemployment, using population, inflation on and other, externally most developing countries like over depended on the developed countries.

          It is in view of this ugly trend that the government has takes a gigantic step to bring development to the grass root so as to abridge the socio – economic gap between the rural and urban dwellers, and also to help resuscitated  he Nigeria economy this use of cooperative societies among other strategies. Cooperative societies are believed to be the best organ to bring development to the grass – root. Most state, urban and rural area are not that developed despite the presence of cooperative societies based on this, the researcher tends to trace the impact of cooperative society as a development strategy in Imo – state and Oru L.G.A in particular.



The researcher has the major objective of finding the impact of cooperative in the development of Imo state with special reference in Oru – west local government area.


Other specific objectives include

To work into the achievements and impact so far made on the people by various cooperative societies in Oru – west local government, in their effort to help bring development to the area.

·        To giddying the importance of cooperative society to the people of Orun west communities general

·        To find out the various problem being encounter by these cooperative which tend to hinder their effective and efficient performance?

·        To identify the various area open to these societies for raising funds in order to carry out their development duties effectively.

·        To identify the various societies existing in the area under review.

·        Why the people join cooperative society

·        To identity the projective built by the existing cooperative

·        Finally, to make recommendation and suggest solution that will enable these societies over – come the problem so as to function very – well.



This study is significant in many ways. The findings of this study with reveal the positive impact of cooperative societies in the development of Oru -west L.G.A. and Imo state in general.

          It would equally sensitize the populace and the member of a cooperative enterprise, to a haze extent, in the developmental objective of a cooperative enterprise. The findings of this study with be relevance to various communities who desire development objective of a cooperative enterprise. The findings of this study with be relevance to various communities who desire development but have not established any viable – cooperative society in their area. Which also be of relevance to the Nigeria policy makers in their nature development plans, by bringing out the importance of cooperative societies in fostering development in rural area.

          Lastly, this study or its finding will be of educationally importance to the various universities, polytechnics, researchers department in the various school to enhance the study of cooperative.



The researcher will limit this study to the impact of cooperative organization in the development of Imo state. A cease study of Oru - west local government area. And the sample staff of department in charge with the cooperative society and sample individual or people that matter in the department in the local government will form part of the scope.


1.6            THE LIMITATION

For local of time and financial constraints, the researcher will not cover aid the cooperative societies in Oru – west local government area. Apathy and government biocracy also limited the researcher from carrying out the study.



Research question refers to the basic general question on researcher develops through which service of other minor question are latter on developed for the purpose of collecting data or pieces of information on a topic of study for analysis. These general question are meant to probe the opinion of the respondent on such issues as attitude, feeling, behavior to name a few as the respondent perceive such issue of study


Here is the research question

·        Are cooperative societies viable in community development?

·        Has cooperative societies impacted positively to the lives of the people?

·        What are the various problem encountered by cooperative societies?

·        How are cooperative societies funded?

·        What part does the government play in promoting cooperative societies?


1.8            DEFINITION OF TERMS

For charity of purpose and the elimination of confusion of any kind and the proper understanding of this study, the following definition of terms is necessary:



 According to Chukwu (1990) he defines cooperative as any form of two or more persons working together to achieve some aim or aims, such working to settled warm be on formal ro informal basis, and hoc or long terms economic or non economic in future



According to Obasi  a progressive transformation of economic social and political structure of a society from relatively less complex, less efficient and less dependable form to relatively more complex, more efficient and more dependable form”.

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The Impact Of Cooperative Organization In The Development Of Imo – State