Concrete is a mixture of cement, coarse aggregate, sand and water. This mixture is expected to form a rnhomogeneous material with predictable strength behavior. However, it is very difficult to develop arnmodel to correctly evaluate its onsite strength properties. Common methods used in evaluating andrnestimating concrete structures are uniaxial compressive strength; core test; and rebound hammer test. rnThis research presents the assessment of compressive strength of cocnrete using rebound hammer,rncore test and uniaxial compressive strength test to develop relationship between these methods. Inrnthis study, cube samples, rebound hammer reading and core samples were extracted from the concreternslabs casted both from two control mix slabs and from four selected project sites for this analysis.rnRebound hammer reading and core drilling operations were performed from the casted slabs the samerndata were collected from rebound hammer versus the project sites under investigation. Descriptivernstatistical data analysis such as the mean and standard deviation were computed between hammerrnversus cube and core versus cube strength. rnThe relationship obtained from the variables is expressed as compressive strength of core is 0.732844 rn times cube strength and compressive strength of rebound hammer 1.11612321 times cube strengthrnand compressive strength estimated from rebound hammer is 1.5241 times compressive strength ofrncore.