Design And Implementation Of A Web-based Library Information Management System (a Case Study Of Godfrey Okoye University)

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In Godfrey Okoye University, library management and administration is a very manual one in the sense that the information management methods are mostly done using the file system, students access to library resources are heavily manual, and that the library catalogue is done using the file system. As a result, accidents of data loss are common, Library record storage is often costly on the long run and theft of library materials is often an easy job. In the light of these problems, the design and implementation of a web-based library information management system is a facility that aims at allowing students to access and borrow books from the library without having to visit the library physically. It allows library staff to manage student activity in the library and create digital catalogues without using the manual bulky file system. It also makes the accessibility of library resources easy for students and lecturers alike. The methodology used in the design of this project is the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) and the programming languages used in this project are HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor), SQL (Structured Query Language) and Javascript.


  Title page                                                                                                  i

  Certification Page                                                                                     ii

  Approval Page                                                                                         iii

  Dedication                                                                                                          iv

  Acknowledgment                                                                                      v

  Abstract                                                                                                   vi

  Table of Contents                                                                                     vii

  List of figures                                                                                           x

  List of tables                                                                                            xi

  Chapter 1: Introduction                                                                          1

1.0     Background of Study                                                                        1

  1.1   Statement of the Problem                                                                           2

  1.2   Objectives                                                                                         3

  1.3   Significance of the Project                                                                 4

Chapter 2: Literature Review                                                                   6

2.0     Introduction                                                                                                6

  2.1   Theoretical Background                                                                    8

  2.2   Review of  Related Literature                                                            10

2.2.1     Function  of  Automated  library System                                       13

2.2.2     Challenges facing Automating Libraries in Nigeria              14

Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design                                                   16

3.0     Introduction                                                                                                16

3.0.1     Information Gathering                                                                   16

  3.1   Description of existing system                                                                   17

3.1.1     Problems of existing system                                                 17

  3.2   Analysis of proposed system                                                            18

3.2.1     Advantages of proposed system                                          18

  3.3   Design of proposed system                                                               19

3.3.1      Usecase Diagram                                                                 19

3.3.2      Database Design                                                                  21

Chapter 4: System Implementation                                                          24

  4.0   Introduction                                                                                                24

  4.1   Implementation Technology                                                             24

4.1.1        Graphical Interface                                                            24

  4.2   Implementation Architecture                                                            26

  4.2.1               Hardware Requirement                                                     26

  4.2.2               Software Requirement                                                       26

  4.3   Software Testing                                                                               27

  4.4   Documentation                                                                                 28

           4.4.1      User Manual                                                                       32

 4.4.2      Source Code Listing                                                           33

Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusion                                            34

  5.0   Summary                                                                                 34

  5.1   Conclusion                                                                              34

  5.2   Recommendation                                                                     34

  References                                                                                      35

  Appendices                                                                                     37




1.0     Background of Study

Library Management System refers to an application that is specifically designed to manage generally small and medium size libraries and to help mainly those in charge of the library at that particular time to help maintain and keep tracks of library users and books.

Library Management System as an application is mainly used by librarian to manage the library using a computerized system where he/she can record various transactions like issue of books, return of books, addition of new books, addition of new students etc.

Books and student maintenance modules are also included in this system which would keep track of the students using the library and also a detailed description about the books a library contains. With this computerized system there will be no loss of book record or member record which generally happens when a non-computerized system is used.

In addition, report module is also included in Library Management System. If user’s position is admin, the user is able to generate different kinds of reports like lists of students registered, list of books, issue and return reports.

All these modules are able to help librarian to manage the library with more convenience and in a more efficient way as compared to library systems which are not computerized.

A majority of libraries in Nigeria are found in research centers, private and public institutions of learning. Public universities have the highest volumes of books, journals, research papers, and other collections. The libraries are set up with the main aim of been used by both the students, teachers, lecturers and staff members within the institution. There is a collected effort by the library management to restructure their services so as to extend them to other outsiders other than the normal users. Many of the libraries are coming up with information resource centers in the spirit of embracing technology.

Library Management System supports the general requirement of the library such as the acquisition, cataloguing, circulation and other sections. Before the advent of computer in modern age there were different methods of keeping records in the library. Records were kept in the library on shelves and each shelf was labeled in an alphabetical or numerical order, in which the categories of books available were arranged on different position on the shelves and as well were recorded on the library manuscript and when any book is to be referenced the manuscript is being referred to, to know the position of such required book by the person that requested for the book. After the invention of computer different researchers carried out various approaches on an automated library management system in which this project is as well all about.


1.1     Statement of the Problem

This online library management system was developed to solve the major drawbacks that faced people responsible for the general managing of small or large libraries who were using the existing systems.

The problem occurred before having computerized system includes:

  • File loss

When computerized system is not implemented files could get missing, sometimes due to some human error there may be a loss of records.

  • File damaged

Online library will save us a great deal since physical interference is greatly reduced due to the nature of the digital world and thus files in the library is safer than ever before.

  • Difficult to search record

When there is no computerized system there is always a difficulty in searching of records, especially if the records are large in number.

  • Space consuming

After the number of records become large the space for physical storage of file and records also increases if no computerized system is implemented.

  • Cost consuming

As there is no computerized system to add each record paper will be needed which will increase the cost for the management of library.

  • Time consuming

Computerized system has the ability to work at a faster rate than a non computerized system. As such more time is needed to record where there is no computerized system.


1.2     Objectives

The aims and objectives are as follows:

  1. Developing a system that ensures the privacy of its users and enable them access it remotely.
  2. Designing a system that respond in a timely manner.
  3. To enable easy maintenance of students and book details.
  4. Easy retrieval of books by simply searching the system.
  5. To enable easy borrowing and returning of books.
  6. Automated fine calculation and reports generation.
  7. Enabling a secure and portable database system that eliminates duplicate data.


1.3     Significance of the Project

This system improves services delivered to end users. Data is saved in the most appropriate manner eliminating duplication and redundancy. Multiple users can access the system at the same time. The system operates electronically hence ensures less space is occupied and also presents a paperless working environment. Library staff members are motivated by the system since it makes work easier. The system has a friendly user interface which is attractive and easy to use. 

This study will be beneficial to the following:

  1. Students: The study would increase efficiency of students in using the library, as they  easily know the books available in the library and also borrow available books with the aid of the system. This is more convenient as it is not time-consuming.
  2. Librarian: The system would improve the monitoring capacities of those who maintain the library. It would aid easy cataloging and and keeping record of books issued, reissued and not returned.
  3. Lecturers: They would use the study to teach student on how to use the system and as users, use it to easily access library and borrow them.
  4. The University: The use of the system would reduce the cost of management of the library . The system eliminates the need to employ many workers and keep many manual files, thereby reducing cost . It would also enhance the look of the library

Other Library Staffs: The study would increase the productivity of theses staff,as they would spend time doing important things and with ease.

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Design And Implementation Of A Web-based Library Information Management System