Home Security System With Mobile Application For Fire Detection And Intruders

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            The use of security technologies and smart application is now emerging the world today. The possibility of combination of this two type of technologies makes security monitoring easier.

The research aimed to understand how security can be monitored in an easy and fast way without accessing the internet due to the poor internet connection in our country. This also aimed to make a real time alerts to make a quick response in terms of security disturbance.

The project would help to lessen the fear of the home owners for their own security worries. Crime and fire accident rates would lessen through the help of this project by quick reporting to the authorities using text messaging. Also the project helps in notifying the user anywhere and anytime they are.

Based on the finding of the study, the researchers concluded that comprehensive sources of information greatly helped the researchers in making and choosing the system proposed. Knowledge on system layout and clear flowcharts helped the programmer in the debugging process. Java Language in Eclipse Application is the best suited programming language to make the software application of the system. Complete, effective and properly organized system design was developed by the proponents. Strictly choosing and studying concrete programming languages and choosing good equipment helped the researchers to effectively develop the project. Series of tests to the proposed system were systematically and successfully done. The system (Home Security System with Mobile Application for Fire Detection and Intruders) is accurate, reliable and effective.

Testing and evaluation of the completed project has been conducted and it was found out that the system, as its accuracy and reliability were observed, it could be very useful for the home owners.

After the completion of the study, the proponents recommend. To enhance the system and make this an easy and user friendly on actual implementation. To add video surveillance feature on the system. Create database for the record keeping of the system for detailed incident report.



Title Page..................................................................................................................... i

Approval Sheet.......................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgement................................................................................................... iii

Dedication.................................................................................................................. v

Abstract...................................................................................................................... vi

Table of Contents..................................................................................................... ix

List of Tables............................................................................................................ xii

List of Figures......................................................................................................... xiii


Introduction................................................................................................................ 1

Background of the Study......................................................................................... 2

Theoretical Framework............................................................................................. 3

Statement of the Problem........................................................................................ 6

Significance of the Study........................................................................................ 6

Scope and Limitation................................................................................................ 7

Definition of Terms................................................................................................... 8


Research of Related Literature............................................................................ 10

Related Studies....................................................................................................... 11

Synthesis................................................................................................................. 12


The Project Concept............................................................................................... 14

System Analysis...................................................................................................... 14

System Design........................................................................................................ 14

System Implementation......................................................................................... 24

Development Model............................................................................................... 24

Development Approach ........................................................................................ 25

Software Development Tools................................................................................ 26

Schedule and Timeline......................................................................................... 26

Project Teams and Responsibilities.................................................................... 28

Budget Cost Management Plan........................................................................... 28

Verification, Validation and Testing Plans......................................................... 29


Data Gathered......................................................................................................... 32

Plan and Design..................................................................................................... 33

Materials Needed.................................................................................................... 36

Testing and Results............................................................................................... 37

Assessment............................................................................................................. 40


Summary of Findings............................................................................................. 42

Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 42

Recommendations................................................................................................. 43



 Chapter 1


            This chapter covers the introduction, background of the study, objectives of the study, scope, limitation and delimitation of the study, and significance of the study.


            Security has been one of the major concerns of today's daily living. Home and business industry’s security issues become a major concern since everyone in the industry wants to protect their investments from any form of destruction or loss. In terms of security, technology has its own contribution in developing equipment with a better degree of providing security and monitoring a given area or establishment that requires security.

Security systems consist of alarms and sensors which are being installed in the houses for effective and efficient way of protecting home properties. It is designed to detect burglar incidents. Security and protection system are any of various means or devices designed to guard persons and property against a broad range of hazards, including crime, fire, accidents, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and attack (Encyclopedia.org, 2014). One of the common security alarm systems that uses sensor is the car alarm system. Car alarm is a device in a car which makes a loud noise if anyone tries to break into the vehicle.(Collins Dictionary, n.d.) With these, an attempt for theft is immediately discouraged.

Most of the buildings install closed circuit television surveillance system to monitor and record the situation inside the building. It can oversight burglary incidents through its video records. However, in the proponents' view this type of system is not enough to give real time security to avoid damages of properties because the incident will be noticed only after the incident happened or after the video records were reviewed.

Most of the building incidents like burglary is being done in the presence of security systems is because the criminal knows that the system is not real time and just recording happenings. Therefore, these kind of people can plan on what they will do to be unnoticed. Because of this observation, the proponents have come up with the idea of developing a project entitled “Home Security System with Mobile Application for Fire Detection and Intruders” to enhance the level of security, to avoid damage to properties, and even for personal protection.

Background of the Study

            As innovation takes its level to the fullest, improvements on systems development as well as its implementation have tremendously take its place as well. According to research on the crimes in the Philippines most of the crimes are index like theft and robbery. Moreover based on the statistics of Philippine National Police Crime and Investigation Detection Group about index crimes, an increase in the total crime volume in the first 5 months of 2014 compared to 2013, from January to May 2014. A total number of reported crime when it comes to robbery was at 5,189 compared to 4,510 in 2013.(B.Cupin, 2014) About 15% of total reported crimes is the difference of the reported statistics. This statistics shows that crimes still rise in figures even there was existing security system, while the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) NCR has recorded a total of 615 fire accidents in first two months of 2015 in Metro Manila (T.Macas, 2015). This shows that the existing system is not that too much helpful in reducing crimes and saving property damages on time.

            This scenario gives the proponents an initiative to propose the project development study entitled “Home Security System with Mobile Application for Fire Detection and Intruders”. The study was a security alarm system that can be used for building and homes which aimed to provide real time security better than existing recording security system.

  Theoretical Framework

The Fire Dynamics Simulator model (a LES-based CFD model) is used within this study to model the transport of smoke from the fire to the detector. In the FDS code (McGrattan ed., n.d.), a simplified low Mach number equation for fire and smoke transport calculation is used. In this approach, the acoustic waves have been filtered, but the flows are allowed to remain compressible. Hence, the time step can be increased to drastically reduce computation times. These simplified compressible flow equations are more computationally efficient for modelling fires and smoke. A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach has been used to deal with turbulence. LES solves the large eddy motions by a set of filtered equations governing the three dimensional, time-dependent motions. The small eddies are modelled independently from the 14 flow geometry. This algorithm was applied in the study because the proposed project used motion sensors for detecting human or intruder’s presence (Lobby et. Al., n.d.)

            The Fire Dynamics Simulator and Large Eddy Simulation was used in the study because it gives the idea to the proponents on how they will convert the fire detection to signals that is usable for signalling the mobile application the proponents find out that they can use fire sensors that automatically convert it to logic signals.

The Proximity Sensor Algorithm is when the detected object is human skin, the design is somewhat simplified. Infrared light can penetrate human skin. The peak is shifted to a closer distance and the Analogue Digital Converter (ADC) count does not plummet at zero distance, with optimum optical designs, proximity sensing performance with other non-human sensing objects. The shape of this response allows for a simple threshold scheme to identify the proximity of a human (as in the case of answering a cell phone call). The low threshold must be high enough to ignore any changes in ambient noise. The high threshold must be low enough to withstand any changes in the peak output ADC count. The space between them must also be large enough to handle anyambient changes. (Intersil n.d.)

                This algorithm was applied in the study because the proposed project used proximity sensors for detecting human or intruder’s presence at which distance was suspicious to commit burglar activity.


Figure 1

Conceptual Framework of the Study

            Figure 1 shows the progress of the study, it shows the necessary methods that were taken into consideration. The phases namely, INPUT, PROCESS, and OUTPUT were introduced in the theoretical framework which shows the sequence of the procedures to follow until the development of the study. On the input phase, ideas and concepts can be acquired from the internet, books, and related researches that can contribute greatly in the making of this research. Furthermore, the needed information and appropriate materials follows. Thereafter, planning and designing the construction of the project comes next. The process includes programming and encoding. Lastly, testing and evaluation of results will be conducted.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the study entitled “Home Security System with Mobile Application for Fire Detection and Intruders” was on how the proponents would develop the system. To come up with the development of the project, the following were the specific statements of the problem.

  1. What are the data needed to develop the Home Security System with Mobile Application for Fire Detection and Intruders?
  2. What is the plan and design of the project?
  3. What are the materials needed to develop the project?
  4. What are the testing procedures to be done after the development of the project?

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following:

            To the home owners, this project will help keep their properties secured and safe.

            To the law enforcers and fire fighters, this project will help them quickly monitor areas if some related crimes or accidents happened.

            To the security personnel, this will help them respond quickly on unwanted incidents which may happen to buildings/establishments.

            To the proponents, this project will help them in applying their knowledge in software development.

            Lastly, to the future researchers, it will serve as reference material if they would conduct similar study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

            The scope of the study is to design the Home Security System with Mobile Application for Fire Detection and Intruders. The system consists of sensors using microcontrollers with GSM (Global System for Mobile) Shield.  For the mobile device to be used in Android system. An accessing Operating System version 4.2 (Jellybean) with SMS technology was required. The programming language used was Java through Eclipse connected to the Android development tool. Arduino Application was required in programming the microcontroller and GSM Shield. The alarm system was only limited on detecting door opening attempts, motion and smoke. The mobile application can only receive SMS signal from the sensor once an activity was detected. An alarming sound would be emitted on the sensor and mobile device and the application would be opened as an indicator of a detection event. The application has a text messaging sending feature program to the government authority for a quick action. Moreover, the study was limited to security alarm system for confidential rooms only, inside the building or establishments and not applicable for other rooms and populated areas.

Definition of Terms

            The following terms are used conceptually and operationally for better understanding of the study.

Alarm system. A device that signal’s the occurrence of some undesirable event. (The Free Dictionary, n.d.) It was the main focus of the study.     

Burglary. the crime of either entering a building as a trespasser with the intention of committing theft, rape, grievous bodily harm, damage or having a trespasser of committing one or more of these offences (American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition, 2011) One of the problems focus to be solved on the study. In this study, it is one of the problems that the proponents would like to address using the project.

CFD model. A suitable for the modeling or simulation of fluid-solids or fluid-particles systems. (CFD online, n.d.) One of the theoretical backgrounds used to be the reference of the study.

GSM (Global System for Mobile). A digital cellular phone technology based on TDMA that started in Europe and migrated to other continents. (PCMag, n.d.) This was used in the research to be the signal converter of sensor data to SMS Signals.

Intrusion. the act of wrongfully entering upon, seizing, or taking possession of the property of another (Merriam-Webster, n.d.) In this study it was the problem focused to solve in the study.

Microcontroller. a compact microcomputer designed to govern the operation of embedded systems in motor vehicles, robots, office machines, complex medical devices, mobile radio transceivers, vending machines, home appliances and various devices. (IoT Agenda 2012) In this study it was the central control of the sensor devices of the system.

Motion detector. a device that is sensitive to the movement especially used for security reasons and navigation aid. (Dictionary.com n.d.) It was the sensor device used in the study.

Security System. any of various means or devices designed to guard persons and property against a broad range of hazards, including crime, fire, accidents, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and attack. (Encyclopedia.org n.d.) It was the system target development in this study.

SMS (Short Message Service) Technology. Is used to send text messages to mobile phones using Global System for Mobile. (Christensson, P. n.d.)  In the study it was the connection technology between the sensory device and mobile device used in the system development.

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Home Security System With Mobile Application For Fire Detection And Intruders