The Nature And Purpose Of Practical Work In The Science Curriculum Materials Of Addis Ababa Administrative Region - The Case Of Grade Eight

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Science education is in a state of debate since 1960s; hence, refonn becomes characteristic featuresrnof the science curriculum and instruction. One areas of debate in science education is the role andrnaim of practical work though its importance is under consensus. In the Ethiopian context, nornclear position statement was given but practical work was taken as an integral parts of thernscience curriculum and hence designed to give hands-on and minds-on experiences. This paperrnattempt to examines the nature and purpose of practical work included in the science curriculumrnmaterials of the Addis Ababa Administrative Region. Therefore, the science curriculumrnmaterials, teacher's opinion and examination booklets were taken as a source of information.rnUsing different content analysis schemes and questionnaire, relevant information was obtained.rnEvaluation of these practical activities was made with respects to their potential in providing forrnproblem-solving skills. The specific lesson objectives of the guides were analyzed to reveal thernnature of science and aims of practical science included in these guides. The results show that thernproduct of science stirred the curriculum, and exceeds by far, even all the process objectives andrnthe affective dimensions were added together. Such nature of science lacks to give experience inrnthe method and interest to science and hence would distort students image of science as a body ofrnknowledge. Analysis of the guide for practical aims showed consistenClj. The majority (73.68% inrnbiology, 66.66% in chemistry and 37.70% in physics) had elucidating the theoretical knowledge.rnOther important aims of practical work like arousing of interest in the science and technology,rnskills of using models and developing investigative skills are totally not found.rnThe practical activities in the student textbooks were also analyzed from different perspectives.rnUnlike what was expected, in the NETP, the result shows consistency with the analysis of aimsrnfor practical science. The majorihj of practical (93.75%in physics and 81.81 % in chemistnj)rnserved to illustrate the scientific concepts covered. Inquinj level index of these activities showedrnthat 77% of physics activities were found at a level of 0 and 70% of biology and 75% inrnchemistry at level 1. Maximum opportunity left for pupils, if at all there is, hence, was to collectrndata and makes generalizations. Through laboratonj assessment inventory, again, major problemrnsolving skills -planning was totally absent. Analysis and Application categories were poorlyrntreated and Performance was fairly represented. The curriculum material would, therefore,rngenerally fail to represent the framework guideline stated by the policy.rnEvaluation of resource, in line with the materials and apparatus stated in the textbooks revealedrnthat the analyzed schools have no potential, even to perfonn demonstrations as the only methodsrnof practical teaching, let alone group experimentations. Hence, such result had its ownrnimplication- development of practical manipulative skills and problem-solving skills will berndeterred. Both the National and school final examination showed consistency in that no practicalrnassessment was found. The majorihj of questions in both exams booklets ask student's specificrninformation and terminologies. Teacher's response also shows consistency in most cases.The outcomes of the study have significant implications from the need to have science educationrnpolicy, improving the school science curriculum materials in line with the resource available andrnoverall appraisal must be effected with the teacher-training program, assessment technique,rnresource requirements. Teachers must also be challenged to change their 'old' confirmatoryrnposition and should be encouraged to use practical work in school science teaching.

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The Nature And Purpose Of Practical Work In The Science Curriculum Materials Of Addis Ababa Administrative Region - The Case Of Grade Eight