The Relevance Of The Teacher Education College Physics Curriculum To Second Cycle Primary Physics Education A Study In The Amhara Region

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The national policy expects teacher educalion colleges to make their programs appropriaternand relevant for the second cycle primwy (SCP) education. The plllpose of this study is tornexamine, via one subject (physics) in Gondar College of Teacher Education, the extent 10rnwhich these expectations are achieved. To increase the study's likely wider applicability,rnreliable and valid sources of data were built in. The sources were 17 of the college'srngraduate physics teachers who have taugh' in SCP schools, the 17 school principals, 3rnphysics instructors, college dean, 6 officials at the Amhara Regional Education Bureau andrnZonal Education Departments, and an expert at the Institute for Curriculum Developmentrnand Research. Instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, an interview guide andrnobservation checklist.rnThe findings indicate that the college physics objectives over-emphasize theOlY and arernnarrowly focused; are either strongly mismatched with ETP (1994) and somewhat with thernSCP schools objectives. There is a fair coverage of content and balance between the topicsrnof the college and primwy, but the College '.I' focus is theoretical and inclined more towardsrnhigher education than teaching physics in SCps. Again the method~ used by trainers do notrnenable teachers to teach primwy physics effectively. The equipment in the college physicsrnlaboratory is barely sufficient and its use during the training is not sufficient. The durationrnfor teaching practice is not enough to prepare teachers to teach physics in SCPSrnappropriately. The physics teachers also needed some support in the early periods of theirrncareer, but later had confidence and efficiency to teach general science and physics.rnHowever, they seldom used learner-centred methods and instructional equipment in theirrnteachingrnThe recommendations include: the college physics course objectives should derive from thernobjectives of the ETP (1994) and of the SCP; the physics courses should relate more to SCPrnthan to higher education and emphasis be given to varied methods appropriate to therncollege and primary physics curricula; trainers should use equipment as befits therncurricula; the college physics laboratOly should be replenished; teaching practice should bernlonger and strong links with primary schools made; school-based staff training programsrnshould be organized and stakeholders should assess the training program at regular, setrnintervals.

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The Relevance Of The Teacher Education College Physics Curriculum To Second Cycle Primary Physics Education A Study In The Amhara Region