The Current Status Of The Self-contained Classroom Teaching In Primary Schools In Addis Ababa Administrative Region Abe Be Ahmed

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The purpose of this study was to find out the current status ofrnthe self-contained classroom teaching in the primary schools ofrnAddis Ababa Region . To obtain a clear picture of the situation threerndata gathering instruments (observation, questionnaires andrninterviews) were employed, nine primary schools, One hundred andrnSixty self-contained classroom teachers , fifteen Regional , Zonal &rnWoreda supervisors, nine primary school directors and thirty sixrnself contained classroom fourth grade students were used as thernsubjects of the study. Percentage was employed to analyse all therndata .rnFindings madernsuitable for thernclassrooms are notrnclear that thernself-containeedrnwide enough forrnclassroom environment isrnclassroom teaching i . e.rnteachers and students tornnotrnthernmovernfrom place to place for teaching learning activities, some windowsrnand doors are broken and unable to be closed and opened easily asrnneeded, there are no sufficient seats for students, drawers andrncupboards for teachers and students are not available.rnThe absence of substitute teachers, subject specialists,rnskilled teachers for non-ac~demic subjects makes it very difficultrnto make this system of teaching effective.rnThe lack of orientation given to the teachers who are currentlyrnteaching in primary schools first cycle grades 1 to 4 is anotherrnproblem facing the system . The inflexibility of the schedule isrnalso a major setback .rnFinally , inorder to improve the existing unsatisfactoryrnconditions, the following recommendations are suggested . Thernstandard which was present during the tryout stage to be followed inrnthe implementation program, to give orientation to teachers, to usernteam teaching, to reduce the class size to at most 50, to providernlibrary periods, to assign expert teachers to non-academic subjectsrnand to allocate financial and material resourcs for the preparationrnof instructional materials .

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The Current Status Of The Self-contained Classroom Teaching In Primary Schools In Addis Ababa Administrative Region Abe Be Ahmed