An Investigation Of Teachers Training Institute Instructors Effectiveness In Defining And Implementing The General Objectives Of Pedagogic Syllabus (with Particular Reference To Ttis In Region Three)

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The purpose of this study was to examine the TTl instructors effectiveness inrnimplementing the general objectives of the pedagogics syllabus. Among the manyrncharacteristics of teacher effectiveness which are necessary for implementing the objectives ofrna syllabus, due emphasis was given here for instructors' preparation of lesson plans, formulationrnof objectives, making the trainees aware of each lesson objective, and correspondence of therninstructional activities of the instructors and trainees to the intended lesson objectives.rnTo this end, all the pedagogics instructors (11 in number), the directors, the deputyrndirectors, and a total of 550 trainees (50 trainees for each instructor) in the three TTls of RegionrnThree - Debre Birhan, Dessie, and Gondar- were the sources of information. The datarncollection instruments used in the study were questionnaire, interview, classroom observation,rnand documentary analysis. And, the data collected were analysed using percentages, averages,rnOne-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOV A), Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD)rnmethod, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.rnThe results of the study revealed that all the instructors did not prepare consecutivernlesson plans but use the lesson plans prepared by their colleagues in every instruction. It wasrnascertained that the majority of the instructors prepared five lesson plans once for a week inrnevery month. Most of the objectives of the prepared lesson plans were specific, and consistedrnof both behaviour and content. However, an insignificant num ber of objectives of the lessonsrnincluded behaviour, content, testing condition, and standard of performance simultaneously.rnIn addition, the prepared lesson plans were observed as highly dominated by lower levelrncognitive objectives- knowledge and comprehension. In the actual classroom instruction,rninstructors were also observed in making effort for the attairullent of lower level cognitivernobjectives mor,e often than affective and higher level cognitive objectives- though the latterrngroups of objectives were given a considerable degree of emphasis by the instructors when theyrnteach than they plan. All the lesson objectives have been found to be encompassed in the unitrnand general objectives of the syllabus, but a considerable number of unit objectives of thernsyllabus were not described by the lesson objectives. Instructors did not also make theirrntrainees aware of the intended lesson objectives. Although most of the instructional activitiesrnofthe instructors and the trainees were aimed at the attairunent of the lesson objectives, therernwere some (instructors' and trainees') instructional activities which do not correspond with thernwritten lesson objectives. Hence, instructors effectiveness in implementing the generalrnobjectives of the pedagogics syllabus was not as much as it should be. Based on these findings,rnappropriate recommendations were also forwarded.

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An Investigation Of Teachers Training Institute Instructors Effectiveness In Defining And Implementing The General Objectives Of Pedagogic Syllabus (with Particular Reference To Ttis In Region Three)