This Shldy attempted to investigate the training of would-be teachers in thernpractical application of pedagogical courses currently offered in the newly up-gradedrncolleges of Gondar and Awassa. So, to examine this performance, the instructors ofrnpedagogical courses of the two colleges taken as the subjects of the study, wererncategorized interms of their level of qualifications and work experiences.rnTo verify the basic questions, eleven instructors of pedagogical courses of therntwo colleges in total, were observed in their performances of classroom instructionalrnskills. Moreover, the principals and education department heads of the two collegesrnwere asked about the problem of training by conducting interviews.rnA t-test and Variance analyses were employed in the analysis of the study. Thernobtained results portrayed that instructors with higher qualifications and workrnexperiences manifested better performances in implementing planing, presenting,rnmanaging, and evaluating of classroom instmctional skills than instructors with lowerrnqualifications and work experiences in the practical application of training activities.rnBesides, the two colleges are found to have inadequate library facilities, trainingrnmaterials equipment and other essential attributes that have a bearing on the training ofrnprospective teachers in the teacher education program.rnFinally, conclusions( instructors with second degrees, and with high level of workrnexperiences were found to show better performances of implementing classroomrninstructional skills than those instructors with first degrees and low level of workrnexperiences), and recommendations ( the necessity of assigning better qualified andrnexperienced instructors together with the essential training materials), were made.