The general objective of this study was to investigate the implementation of the policy set for rnearly childhood care and education in East Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional state.rnMethodologically the study employed descriptive survey design and mixed research approach. rnInstruments used in the study were questionnaire, interview, observation and document analysis.rnA random sampling technique was used to select from a total 397 of government and 45 private rnpreschool teachers out of which 324 and 41 teachers were selected respectively. In Addition,rnsupervisor, principals/vice principals and SIP department heads of Woreda and Zone were rnpurposively selected. The data collected through questionnaires from the teachers werernpresented in tables for each case, and analyzed using percentage and descriptive statistics.rnQualitative data obtained through observations, document review and interviews were analyzed rnthough narration. The result of the study showed that the level of preprimary education policy rnimplementation was low or not in line with standard set by the (MOE).The major problemsrnidentified in this study were inadequacy of indoor and outdoor materials and equipment, lack of rntrained teachers, inadequate facility and lack of monitoring (in terms of supervision and rnsupport), lack of participation from parents, community, officers and politicians. The study has rnalso identified challenges like lack of attention towards the implementation of the policy with rnregard to early childhood care and education at various level of educational administration,rnpoor awareness from side of community can be mentioned. The other problem identified wasrnboosting of the government on policy formulation without adjusting precondition for rnimplementation. other problems identified with childhood care and education in the area were rnpoor school environment especially public school, Lack of budget allocation from government rnand in relevance of the policy to the context of rural areas because of distance of the school from rnchildren house, difficult terrain of the land, lack of infrastructures like road, transport and waterrnservices. Finally, it is recommended that proper monitoring and supervision should bernperformed regularly. Establitioned Committees should care out their duties and responsibilitiesrnand there should be collaboration among sector and stakeholder. The MOE and EducationalrnBureau of Oromia should focus on training of teachers and also ensure adequate budget rnallocation. It is encouraged that the parents and community should support the implementation rnof the policy towards the betterment of early childhood care and education