An evaluation of the Teaching of Biology in Somernselected Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Abeba vis avisrnan Enquiry Model.rnIt has been reiterated that sc i e nce teaching can by nornmea ns be properly accomplished by merely tellingrns tudents abou t sc i e ntific f acts , principles andrngenera liza ti ons. Science educators, school sciencernteache rs and s cientists have emphasized the need for arnproblem-solving or enquiry approach to science teachi ngrnrather th a n presenting it as sa nctifi ed body ofrnknowledge. To this end, they have stressed a nd pOintedrnout the preferred way; i.e ., science teaching shou ld bernbased on the nature of science and s hould help studentsrnunderstand the process of scientific enquiry withoutrnwhich an ad e qua t e understanding of any science subjectrnwould not be possible.rnThe teaching of biol ogy, as a science, follows thernpremises of s cience teaching. The object of this studyrnwas to evaluate the present Biology Cur riculum forrnSenior Secondary Schools of Ethiopia and itsrnimplementation aga inst an Enquiry Model for BiologyrnTeaching and thereby see whether or not it is in linernwith modern trends in science teaching. For thisrnpurpos e, the questions, practical activities andrn"Narrations of enquiry " included in 15 even numberedrnunits of the four textbooks