An Assessment On Principals Leadership Styles In Primary Schools At Gambella Town Principals And Students Academic Performance

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Good leadership of the school plays an important role in raising the students’ academic rnachievement in Ethiopia. This study investigated the leadership styles in relation to the rnstudents’ academic performance in primary schools in Gambella. Specifically, the rnstudy sought to identify major leadership styles employed in running primary schools, rnto establish the extent to which leadership styles influence students’ performance and rnto explore the relationship between leadership styles and their effectiveness in rnmanaging curriculum implementation in primary schools. Qualitative and Quantitative rnresearch ethods were used under the mixed research approach. A total of 50 rnrespondents omprising of 9 heads of schools, 36 teachers, 2 regional education leaders rnand 3district educational leaders were interviewed using interview guides and rnQuestionnaires respectively. In this study both quantitative and qualitative data rnanalysis techniques were used. The findings revealed that democratic leadership styles rnmostly influence students’ academic achievement/ performance (R-value was 0.932), rnimplying that there is a strong and positive influence and significant at p=0.004 level of rndemocratic leadership style on students’ academic achievement. For Laissez- faire rnleadership style, the relationship revealed negative influence on students’ academic rnperformance and was very weak (R-value of 0.1) and not significant (p=0.072). rnAutocratic leadership style, although the relationship was very strong (R=0.546, the rnrelationship was insignificant with p value = 0.08. Based on the findings of the study, it rns recommended that educational administrators should ensure that Heads of schools are rngiven appropriate orientations before they are appointed as school heads. Additionally, rnHeads of schools are asked to use more democratic leadership style if they want rnstudents to achieve or excel good academic performance

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An Assessment On Principals Leadership Styles In Primary Schools At Gambella Town Principals And Students Academic Performance