The Practice And Challeges Of Using Instructional Technologies In Selected Government Secondary Schools In Bole Subcity

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I first of all thank my Lord, Jesus Christ for His love, grace, countless blessings and invaluable rnsupport in every aspect of my educational journey. rnIf writing a thesis can be compared to a journey, then doing the acknowledgements is like rnpreparing an album of photographs of those whom i met on this journey. There are many people rnto thank without whose support and encouragement the writing of this thesis would never have rnbeen taken place. rnI would like to forward my sincere appreciation to Dr. Fekadu Mulugeta for his willingness to be rnmy advisor. Dr. Fekadu provided me with insightful guidance with amazing patience and rnattention without which the research study could not have been successfully completed. I also rnthank the school principals, teaching staff and students of the sampled schools for this study for rntheir generous contribution and cooperation during the data collection process. rnI owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to my beloved wife Ayal and my sons Nathanael and rnBaslael Fantu. I would like to express my sincere love and appreciation for their affection, rnencouragement and moral support in all times of my education and research conducting process. rnI do never forget the unreserved support, motivation and encouragement that my colleague rnTesfaye Mekonnen of Bole Kale Hiwot School management offered me since the beginning of rnmy MA education journey. I am also indebted to my course mates in the department of EdPM, rnmy friends and all those who always motivated, encouraged and gave moral support throughout rnthe study. I am also thankful to management team members, education board committee members rnand teachers of Bole Kale Hiwot School for their continual encouragement and financial support.rnFinally I would like to forward my sincere thank to Ato Hadush of BSCEO for his unceasing rncooperation in providing me with whatever valuable information I need, which greatly helped me rnto collect relevant data from the selected government schools.rnGlory and Honour be to the almighty God. rnFantu Wolde

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The Practice And Challeges Of Using Instructional Technologies In Selected Government Secondary Schools In Bole Subcity