An Investigation Of The Practices And Challenges Of Training Management In Education Office In Burayu City Administration

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices of training that have been carried out rnby Burayu City Administration Education office since 2010 E. C and also examine problems that rnhad been hindering such efforts. Descriptive survey research design was employed to conduct rnthe study. Purposive sampling technique and simple random sampling technique were used to rninclude sample respondents. Data were collected from Education Office and secondary rngovernment schools. A total of 31 Education Office employees, 83 teachers, one office head, two rntraining experts and two school principals were involved in the study. The data gathering rninstruments used were questionnaires, interview and document review. To analyze data, the rnStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 was used. The quantitative data obtain rnfrom respondents were analyzed and interpreted with the help of descriptive statistics: like: rnfrequency, percentage and mean, standard deviation and by inferential statistics mainly using t test. T-test/ was used to analyze the significance difference of the two groups obtained through rnquestionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that training programs were rarely prepared rnfor teachers in Burayu education office, training need-assessment were rarely conducted and rnavailability of budget, availability of training facilities and urgency of training were the criteria rnto prioritize training needs. The Burayu Education Office was not in a position to set appropriate rntraining programs and set objectives by themselves. Besides, the practice of setting training rnobjectives were not formulated based on needs assessment, so objective were not measurable, rntime bounded. In addition to this, lack of budget, lack of attention from top officials, lack of skill, rnlack of concern and allocation of insufficient time for training were the problems that challenged rnthe training programs in burayu Education Office. Based on the findings of the study, rnrecommendations were suggested. Firstly, in order to achieve goals of training programs rnsystematic need assessment has to be carried. Secondly, an evaluation scheme by which the rnoutcomes of training programs are evaluated has to be designed. The education office should rninclude training programs in its annual budget plan and allocate adequate budget and/or rndevelop convincing training program proposal and submit to nongovernmental organizations rnlike UNICEF, World vision to obtain fund for designing and implementing effective training rnprograms

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An Investigation Of The Practices And Challenges Of Training Management In Education Office In Burayu City Administration