The study was conducted to investigate the teaching ofrnhistory with respect to four associated problema, viz., thernbasic reasoning for the placement of history in the seniorrnsecondary school curriculum, the practices and processes o£rnsyllabus development, the teaching strategies, methods andrntechniques, and the teaching materials used both in t he pastrnand the present. To this end both historical and descriptive surveyrnresearch techniques were employed. The historicalrnresearch attempted to investigate what happened and why itrnhappened in a definite chronological period. It indicatedrntrends, de~elo-pments, phases_lor p.arspec_LLves o£_ in Ethiopian senior secondary schools. Main findingsrnof the historical study were: (i) The inclusion of history inrnthe senior secondary school curriculum was a concomitantrndevelopment with the beginning of secondary education in therncountry;