Application Of Audio Visual Aids In The Teaching Of English Language In Owerri Northlocal Gonernment Area, Imo State

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 The advancement of educational system cannot only be achieved by the use of conventional media technologies; audio visual aids are instructional materials that permeate the teaching and learning processes. Thus, this study aims at determining the application of audio visual aids in the teaching of English language in senior secondary schools in Owerri North Local Government, Imo State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design in which Four (4) research questions were used for the study. The population of the study consists of Three hundred and eight six (386) teachers and Four thousand, seven hundred  and fifty two students (4752) students, making the total number of  Five thousand, one hundred and thirty eight (5,138) population  in the Twenty seven (27) secondary schools in Owerri North Local Government of Imo State. The procedure used in this study was simple random sampling techniques where Ten (10) schools were selected out of the Twenty seven (27) schools. Five (5) teachers and Ten (10) students were selected randomly from each school making a total number of One hundred and fifty (150) respondents. A questionnaire of Four (4) point scale was used as instrument for data collection. Mean was used in answering the research questions.  The result of the analysis shows that, some schools lack audio visual aids which contribute in destabilizing the teaching and learning process, that some teacher are incompetent in the use of audio visual aids, also that , irregular power supply, and limited time are factors that limit the use of audio visual aids in secondary schools.




TITLE                                                                                                         II

APPROVAL                                                                                               III

CERTIFICATION                                                                                      IV

DEDICATION                                                                                           V

ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                                                                      VI

ABSTRACT                                                                                               VII

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                           VIII

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

Background of the Study                                                                                      1

Statement of the Problem                                                                                     4

Purpose of the Study                                                                                  4

Significant of the Study                                                                              5

Scope of the Study                                                                                               6

Research Questions                                                                                    6

CHAPTER TWO: Review of Literature

 Conceptual Frame Work                                                                           8

Theoretical Frame Work                                                                                      22

Empirical Review                                                                                       24

Summary of Literature Review                                                                             26

CHAPTER THREE:  Research method

 Research Design                                                                                        28

Area of the Study                                                                                                28

Population of the Study                                                                                       28

Sample and Sampling Technique                                                               29

Instruments for Data Collection                                                                 29

Validation of the Instruments                                                                     30

Reliability of Instruments                                                                           30

Method of Data Collection                                                                         30

Methods of Data Analysis                                                                          30

CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis of Data

Analysis of data and results                                                                       32

CHAPTER FIVE: Discussion of Result, Recommendation, Conclusion and Summary

Discussion of the Result                                                                                       37

Conclusion                                                                                                 38

Implication                                                                                                           39

Recommendation                                                                                        39

Limitation                                                                                                   40

Suggestion for Further Studies                                                                             41

Summary                                                                                                    41

Reference                                                                                                    43

Appendices                                                                                                 46

Questionnaire                                                                                             47               




Background of the study

English language is a global prestigious system of human communication used either by spoken or written, consisting of words in a structured and conventional way. It is the official language in Nigeria, which used in education, government, administrative, law, and commerce.On this account, it is necessary to ensure that, the secondary school students are given the basic and fundamental facet of English language. In order to achieve this; there must be instructional materials like Audio visual aids which are permeating the educational system as tools for effective teaching and learning. With audio visual, the communication of information can be done in a more effective manner and it can be an effective instructional medium for delivering information. Audio visual access to knowledge is one of the possibilities of information and communication technology that has tremendous impact on learning. The instructional media have emerged in a variety of resources, and equipment, which can be used to supplement or complement the teacher’s efforts in ensuring effective learning by students. It is recognized that conventional media technologies can no longer meet the needs of our teaching and learning processes; as a result they are being replaced by audio visual technology. This technology provides a learning environment that is self-paced, learner-controlled and individualized.

Audio visual is defined as the combination of various digital media types such as text, images, sound and video, into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation to convey a message or information. In other words, audio visual means “an individual or a small group using a computer to interact with information that is represented in several media, by repeatedly selecting what to see and hear next” (Agnew, Kellerman and Meyer, 2011).

Reisman (2010) described audio visual as a ray of “computer-driven interactive communication system, which create, store, transmit and retrieve, textual, graphic and audio tory networks of information.

Fetterman (2016) also viewed audio visual as those resources used for instruction that include one or more media such as graphics, video, animation, image and sound in addition to textual information. He identified four important characteristics of audio visual as:

  • Audio  visual systems are integrated
  • The information content must be represented digitally
  • The interface to the final presentation of media.

The power of audio visual lies in the fact that it is multi-sensory, stimulating the many senses of the audio lance. It is also interactive, enabling the end users of the application to control the content and flow of information. This has introduced important changes in the educational system and impact the way we communicate information to the learners (Neo and Neo, 2013).Ogunbote and Adesoye (2016) expressed that audio visual technology adds new dimension to learning experiences because concepts were easier to present and comprehend when the words are complemented with images and animations.

The evolution of audio visual has made it very possible for learners to become more involved in their work. With audio visual technologies, they can create audio visual applications as part of their project requirements. This would make them active participant in their own learning process, instead of just being passive learners of the educational content.

Reinsman (2014) expressed that audio  visual involves processing, storage, generation, manipulation and retention of audio  visual system, and the resources could include text files, pictures, video, audio , databases, archives, library catalogs, course notes, relevant links to various websites and easy access to search engines available on the Internet (Shuell and Ferber, 2011).

Audio visual in Education has been extremely effective in teaching individuals a wide range of subjects. Audio visual is changing the way we communicate with each other. The way we send and receive messages is more effectively done and better comprehended.

While a lecture can be extremely informative, a lecture that integrates pictures or video images can help an individual learn and retain information much more effectively.

Statement of the Problem

There is an urgent need to improve the quality of education to bridge the gap between developed and developing nations, and audio visual instruction is considered as a necessary tool for this purpose. However, the presence of audio visual alone will not stimulate significant changes in a school. Teachers are important ingredient in the implementation of audio visual instruction in education.

Without the involvement of teachers, most students may not take advantage of all the available potential benefits of audio visual on their own. Teachers need to actively participate in the use of audio visual facilities. They have to be trained in the use of audio visual and in its integration in the classroom activities to enhance thinking and creativity among students.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the application of audio visual aids in the teaching of English language in Owerri North Local Government Area, Imo State.Specifically, the objectives of this study are to:

  1. Determine the availability of audio visual aids in teaching and learning of English language in senior secondary schools in Owerri North Local Government Area, Imo State.
  2. Determine the pattern and frequency of use of audio visual by teachers in these selected schools for teaching and learning.
  3. Determine the teachers’ competence in the use of audio visual aids in English language.
  4. Identify factors that limit the use of audio visual aids in teaching and learner of English language in senior secondary schools in Owerri North Local Government Area, Imo State.

Significance of the study

The findings of the study will be of much significance to students, teachers and researcher in secondary school. This is because the report of the study will serve as a good reference document to the group of learners when conducting a research on the same topic.

Again, the study has much significance on the government in Nigeria. This is so because, it will serve as a source of information to them, that non-provision of instructional materials to teaching provides basis for the falling standard of education in the country.


Furthermore, the study will be good significant to parents and the society, in account that when conducting parents teachers meeting, such issues may be raised and this will serve as a good reference document in providing solutions.

Scope of study

The study focused on the application of audio visual aids in teaching of English language in senior secondary schools in Owerri North Local Government Area, Imo State.

Research Questions

The study is structured to provide answers to the following research questions:

  1. How available are audio visual aids for teaching and learning of English language in senior secondary schools in Owerri North Local Government Area.
  2. What is the pattern and frequency of use of the audio visual aids for teaching and learning of English language?
  3. How competent is the teacher in the use of audio visual aids in teaching English language?
  4. What factors limit the use of audio visual aids in teaching and learning of English language?

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Application Of Audio Visual Aids In The Teaching Of English Language In Owerri Northlocal Gonernment Area, Imo State