The Contributions Of Urban Solid Waste Management For Employment Creation A Case Study Of Bishoftu City Administration Oromia Region Ethiopia

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This study was carried out in Bishoftu city in Oromia region. The aim of the study was to assessrnthe contributions of urban solid waste management for employment creation. Descriptivernresearch method was used in this study which includes qualitative and quantitative or mixedrnapproach to explore the job creation, urban solid waste management practice and livelihoodrnimprovement of cooperatives. Accordingly, questionnaire survey, interview and field observationrnwere conducted. Questionnaire survey included the whole 176 cooperative members in the city.rnUsing a purposive sampling procedure twelve (12) participants were interviewed out of whichrnone (1) SBPDD head, five (5) SBPDD employee staff members and six (6) head of cooperatives.rnThe data from the questionnaire survey was organized and analyzed using Microsoft Excel.rnResults show that the number of cooperative respondents engaged in urban solid wasterncollection was 80 (45.45%). Those working street cleaning, compost preparation and solid wasternsorting account were 48 (27.27 %), 24 (13.63%) and 24 (13.63 %), respectively. And afterrnemployed in SBPDD; their livelihood improvement shows in progress. The composition of urbanrnsolid waste in the city is composed of both biodegradable and non-degradable components, therncurrent urban solid waste management practice of city is weak and also there is a problem onrnsolid waste reduction strategy: segregation, reuse, recycling, and resource recovery. It is alsornnoted that three main factors that aggravate the existing poor status of SBPDD practice in therncity are: socio-cultural, technical and institutional factors. The participation of households in thernsolid waste management activities is insignificant. From the findings, it is clear that the studyrnarea is under serious threat of environmental degradation, which calls for immediaternintervention from all concerned bodies to bring sustainable urban solid waste management byrncollaboration and integrating with other sectors.

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The Contributions Of Urban Solid Waste Management For Employment Creation A Case Study Of Bishoftu City Administration Oromia Region Ethiopia