The aim of this research was to assess the crisis management practice of the hotels in AddisrnAbaba, particularly star rated hotels and also to discover its implication to sustainable tourismrndevelopment. In order to address the objective of the study primary data were collected from 125rnstar rated hotels through questionnaire. And in-depth interview was made to hotel and tourismrnexpertise. The collected data were analysed using both descriptive statistics such as frequencyrnand mean and inferential statistics such as one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation; besidesrnthose, factors were analysed with simple factor analysis model. As a tool, Statistical Package forrnSocial Science (SPSS version 22) was used to produce statistical outputs. Findings has indicatedrnthat in general, star rated hotels of Addis Ababa did practiced the crisis management below thernmean or average during the pandemic of COVID 19. This study finding also extended that, therernis statistically significant difference among hotels on their different star rates on the practice ofrncrisis management and there is statically significant, positive and strong relationship betweenrncrisis response practice and crisis recovery during the pandemic of COVID 19. And finally,rnaccording to the finding of the interview, there is significant implication of crisis managementrnpractice on sustainability tourism development.