The Practice Of Environmental Education And Its Implications For Environmental Sustainability Awareness The Study Of Arada Sub City High Schools Students

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Fundamentally, the main objective of this thesis was to study the practices of environmentalrneducation and its implications on environmental sustainability awareness in Arada Sub CityrnHigh Schools. The research was designed to identify challenges that secondary schoolsrnconfronted while environmental education was executed. Moreover, to explore the level ofrnenvironmental sustainability awareness among secondary schools under the study,the surveyrnwas conducted on 387 respondents of government and private high schools in Arada SubrnCity. In Arada sub city, the practices of environmental education were poor. Basically thernstudy implies that in the study area environmental protection clubs were not effective inrnpracticing environmental education. Accordingly students’ involvement in the environmentalrnrelated activities was very limited. In the practice of environmental education six majorrnproblems were identified. The seriousness of the challenges were as follows. Hence relativernmajority of students 42.7% replied absence of resource in secondary schools was found to bernvery serious problem. On the other hand 37.5% of the respondents answered low schoolrnadministrative support was ranked as 2nd level problem to practice environmental education.rnMoreover, the curriculum related issues was the 3rd level problem with M=3.48 averagernrating to the problem. Furthermore teachers’ commitment and methodological issues werernranked as fourth major problem and low student interest rated as sixth level problem. Thernoverall qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of the study revealed that studentsrnhave moderate level of environmental sustainability awareness. The ANOVA test result wasrnindicated lack of significant difference among students with different age levels and classrnlevel. It is also important to highlight that sex, grade level and age had no significant relationrnwith environmental awareness. Special attention has to be given for environmental educationrnin the new education system road map. Environmental conservation should be incorporatedrnas 13th code of conduct. Environmental education must be given as autonomous subject inrnhigh schools. Ministry of education should allocate environmental education grant for highrnschools to overcome shortage of resources and greening school compounds.

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The Practice Of Environmental Education And Its Implications For Environmental Sustainability Awareness The Study Of Arada Sub City High Schools Students