The Impact Of Organizational Culture On Employee Job Satisfacion In Akaki Kalitys Sub-city Adiminstration Public Service Pool

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The primary purpose of this research was to determine how organizational culture influencedrnjob satisfaction in the Akaki Kality sub-city administration of the public service pool. The studyrnemployed an explanatory research design. Using a stratified sampling technique, 116 employeesrnfrom the public service pool were chosen from a total of 163 employees. The researchers usedrntwo different types of structured questionnaires to assess organizational culture (OCAI) and jobrnsatisfaction survey (JSS). Crobanch alpha was used to test the instrument's reliability. To predictrnthe causal relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction, researchers usedrnPearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. For the statistical analysis, 89 validrnresponses were used, resulting in a response rate of 78.9%. Descriptive statistics, correlation,rnand regression were used to analyze the collected data. According to the findings, hierarchyrnculture (mean=3.5674) was the most dominant culture type in the Akaki Kality sub cityrnadministration PSP, and It was also the most important type of organizational culture inrndetermining work satisfaction (beta = 0.550). Each organizational culture had a statisticallyrnsignificant impact on job satisfaction and had a positive impact on it. There were also nornsignificant links between respondent background characteristics and their responses (gender,rnage, educational level, work experience, and marital status). In addition to other factors thatrnmay affect employee job satisfaction, it is critical to pay close attention to the fact thatrnorganizational culture is the root cause of the rising level of overall job satisfaction. The findingsrnof this study are critical for organizations that want to know how satisfied their employees arernwith their jobs. It is important for supervisors/managers to understand that understandingrnorganizational culture can help them maximize/improve their employees' job satisfaction.rnKeywords: - organizational culture, clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture, hierarchyrnculture, dominant culture, job satisfaction.

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The Impact Of Organizational Culture On Employee Job Satisfacion In Akaki Kalitys Sub-city Adiminstration Public Service Pool