The Effects Of The Low Level Of English Language Proficiency Skills And Student-placement Problems On Dell Students Engli Sh Language Learning In An Efl Situation At Un Iversity Of Gondar

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As an exemplar of education for reflection-in-action (Schon, 1984), the main focus ofrnthis research was to identify, describe and analyse different English language learnerrnand learning constructs/ variables such as those proposed by Dilts( 1990) eight-levelrnconstructs, and other strategies, styles, skills, situations, which may have motivatingrnand/or inhibitive role on the English language learning of DELL students; to identifyrnand describe the degree of influence of the currently implemented student-placementrnprocedures and practices by the MoE and various higher education institutions such asrnUoG; to investigate and identify why newly-placed students to universities such asrnthe UoG appear deficient in their English language proficiency skills; and to identifyrnand explore ways DELL students with low-grade scores cope with their Englishrnlanguage learning in an EFL situation.rnThe following research instruments were used:rnI) The English language proficiency test,rn2) The Questionnaire,rn3) The Focus group di scussion guide,rn4) The Observation, andrn5) The Score- grade tabulation.rnMoreover, to find out the measure of the effects of the above mentioned Englishrnlanguage learner and learning inefficiencies and problems in the English languagernlearning process, the researcher has incorporated an academic progress report of thernDELL 2008/09 1st year students' 1st semester score-grade and letter-grade results inrnfive officially and formally offered English language courses.rnAll of the research instruments along with the incorporated 1st year DELL students'rn151 semester academic progress report have successfully enabled the researcher tornmake an informed conclusion that the greater majority of the students are lowachievingrnand unprepared so that unable to effectively learn the English language;rnunwilling or not interested to join the DELL and who may not succeed in theirrnEnglish language learning if they are made to continue their English languagernlearn ing without getting a systemic, interseptive support English language learningrnstrategies.rnXIrnBased on the research findings, the researcher eventually has recommended fourrnstrategies to be considered by the responsible authorities of the Ministry of Education,rnvarious higher education institutions, and other stakeholders who are working for thernbetterment of the English language learning processes.

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The Effects Of The Low Level Of English Language Proficiency Skills And Student-placement Problems On Dell Students Engli Sh Language Learning In An Efl Situation  At Un Iversity Of Gondar