A Study Of Narrative Technique In Adafris And Grachakachiloch Point Of View And Speech And Thought Present A Tion In Focus

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The continuous debate 'among scholars in the field, students of literature andrnthe intuition he has about the novels, Adafris and Gracha Kachiloch haverninitiated this researcher, for example, Zerihun Asfaw , Debebe Saifu and othersrnin Bien, august, 1982 E.C, and Alemayehu Gelagay (1998E.C.) and TeferirnMekonnen(1998 E.C.} are the few ones. Lack of studies on the narrativerntechniques point of view and speech and thought presentation has encouragedrnit further. With the hypothesis that point of view and speech and thoughtrnpresentation utilized to create some artistic effects and sound meanings thatrnelaborate the themes of the novels, formulation of frame of analysis and criticalrnreading of the theories written on the selected categories are worked outrnTo ascertain the hypothesis these novels have been examined thoroughly andrnan analysis has been implemented. The outcome of the exploration (thernanalysis) has indicated that Adafris is narrated from the third person point ofrnview (limited, in mos t cases, unlimited, in some cases). The influence of thernnarrator is very limited: most of the time he/she is hidden behind therncharacters. However, the narrator in Gracha Kachiloch is first person narrator,rnvery subjective, unreliable, with greater influence commenting every charactersrnactions and events. He gives new meanings to the things he sees and newrndefinitions for some concepts; he foregrounds objects and actions of charactersrnbased on his bias perspective. In doing this, he creates some amusing artisticrneffects for some purposes. Within the mode, it seems that the perception of thernnarrator is more important than the s ubject matters to be described. This isrnmostly expected in the first person subjective point of view.rnThese two extremes of point of view are also reflected In the speech andrnthought presentation modes. When direct speech and direct thoughtrnpresentations are utilized in Adafris, direct and indirect speeches, and directrnand free Indirect Thought modes are applied in Gracha Kachiloch. All thesernmodes have some significant contributions in creating sound meanings andrnsome artistic effects in both novels.rnIn regarding to stream of consciousness, when the attempt is made in applyingrnstream of consciousness within the mode interior monologue in Adafris, it isrnsurely occurred in Gracha Kachiloch in the form of direct and free indirectrnthought (psychonarration). It has been used in both novels to elaborate or to bernaccessed to the minds of characters like characters emotions, imaginationsrnand some feelings of love affair. The mode is used for same purpose inrndifferent ways in the two novels.rnThe result in the end has affirmed that the narrative techniques of stylernselected for this study, point of view and speech and thought presentations arernthe major narrative modes in the novels and utilized effectively andrnappropriately in different ways. Then, this study concludes its discussion byrncommending other narrative techniques used in the novels that should be studied.

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A Study Of Narrative Technique In Adafris And Grachakachiloch Point Of View And Speech And Thought Present A Tion In Focus