An Exploration Of Teachers Beliefs And Classroom Practices In Grammar Instruction

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The purpose of this study was to explore English language teachers'rnbeliefs about grammar instruction and classroom practices in governmentrnsecondary schools in Addis Ababa. To attain this objective, based onrnsurvey method, four secondary schools were selected for the study. Withrnthis respect, English teachers of these schools were involved as subjectsrnfor data collection.rnThe data gathering instruments employed in the study were questionnaire,rnclassroom observation and interview. The data obtained through thernquestionnaire were analyzed and discussed quantitatively whereas therndata obtained through the classroom observation and the interview werernanalyzed and described qualitatively.rnThe results of the study revealed that most English teachers believedrnabout the importance of grammar to language teaching, and they believedrnin paying greater attention to the pedagogical grammar teaching strategiesrnproposed by research scholars. However, the result also showed that theirrnperceived pedagogical beliefs were not practiced in the classrooms in mostrncases. The reason for this was time factors, problem of textbookrnsyllabuses, bad classroom environment and lack of students' interest, lackrnof facilities and lacl

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An Exploration Of Teachers  Beliefs And Classroom Practices In Grammar Instruction