The Correlate Of Microfinance Services And Food Security In Jigjiga Town Fafan Zone Somali Region Ethiopia

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The study was conducted at Jigjiga town of Fafan Zone, Somali regional state, Ethiopiarnwith the objective of the study of assessing the correlate of microfinance and food security. Thernstudy employed a cross sectional design. Jigjiga town has 20 kebeles and two branches ofrnmicrofinance institute, then the researcher selected the main office of microfinance institute byrnpurposive sampling because the office offers trainings for the participants quarterly like; shortrnand long term training related to way of receiving, saving loans and credit services and how tornrepay based on the signed agreement of the participants. Random sampling technique was usedrnto select 100 households. Both primary and secondary data sources were used. Correlationrnanalysis was used to identify associate degree between microfinance services and food securityrnstatus of participants in the study area. Repayment of loan have statistically significant negativerncorrelation (r=-.275**, P= 0.01) that expressed as repayment of loan received by thernparticipant of microfinance service increases also their food security status decrease. Regardingrnto time for repayment fitness by the participants has statistically significant positive relation torntheir food security status(r=.221*, p=0.05) that indicated as time to repay the loan increasesrnalso the food security status of the participants increased at 95% of level of confidence whichrnshow that as one of these variable increase or decrease via-versa. According to the descriptivernstatistic of the stud, it revealed that 47 (47.0%) of the respondents were male and 53(53%) werernfemale so this findings revealed that microfinance services participated more women than malernin the study area. According to age of household respondents, 52 (52.0%) of the 100% of thernparticipants were the age between 30-35 which means that microfinance service practitionersrntargeted on the productive age of the poor active participants in Jigjiga town to secure theirrnfuture food accessibility

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The Correlate Of Microfinance Services And Food Security In Jigjiga Town Fafan Zone Somali Region Ethiopia