The main objective of this study is to analyze the themes of the funeral dirges inrnWest Gojjam Administrative Zone. To achieve this objective, the researcher hasrntried to collect as many funeral dirges as possible. All of these dirges are inrnAmharic language. The collection was carried out by using different methods.rnThen, the funeral dirges collected through audiotape were transcribed on paper.rnThis is foliowed by the classification of dirges based on subject matter. After this,rnsome sixty one dirges were selected and translated into English for the sake ofrnthe analysis.rnThis study has five chapters . The fi rst chapter includes introduction, statement ofrnthe problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study,rnlimitation of the study and, methods and procedures. The second chapterrndescribes the social setting of West Gojjam. The third chapter explains conceptsrnlike folklore, oral lite rature, orai poetry, funeral dirge, and provides a review ofrnrelated studies and the theoretical framework. The fourth chap ter deals with thernanalysis of funeral dirges. The last chapter is the conclusion of the study.rnIn this study, the funeral dirges are categorized under five major subject matters.rnThese are thoughts about the deceased, death, God, socio-political issues, andrnother reactions to bereavement. Under each category, different themes arernidentified and discussed. To begin with thoughts about the deceased, it isrnpossible to find praise, which is the most common theme in dirges. The sorrowfulrnmanner of death and the decisive role of the deceased in the life of the bereavedrnare also the themes conveyed through dirges. In the second category, therninevitability of death, the unpredictability of death and the existence of life afterrndeath are identified as themes. Thirdly, funeral dirges that express thernmercilessness God and those that challenge his righteousness are discussed. Inrnthe fourth category, fun eral dirges which reveal criticism of the manners of thernsociety, the value of homeland, protest against a government and the horror ofrnwar are explained. Finally, funeral dirges that show the feelings of loss,rnhelplessness, regret, compassion, and the painfulness of grief are dealt.