Study Of Aflatoxin And Salmonella Contamination In Peanut Butter And Roasted Peanut The Case Of Local And Imported Products From Addis Ababa Market

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I1flatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by the jimgi Aspergillus jlavlls and A.rnparasiticus that grow on a variety of agricultural commodities and other processed productsrnlike peanut buttet: l1j1atoxin B1 (AFBl) is the most toxic of all the ajlatoxins produced by thesernfimgi. COn/amination of foodstuff by AFBI is a major food safety concern in developingrncountries in the tropics, because of its adverse elfixt on human and animal health. This studyrnwas conducted in order to assess the level of aflatoxin contamination using HPLC method andrndetection of salmonella by conventional method in peanut butter collectedji"Oll1 Addis Ababarnsupermarkets and other retailers. Analysis of aflatoxin in ready to eat roasted peanut was alsornparr o.fthe invesligalion. Study samples were collected ji'DIn all margins of the Addis AbabarnIhrough dividing the city in to four directions so as to address every sampling point.rnAccordingl), forty eight samples of peanut buller and 10 samples of roasted peanut werernrandomly collected ji"Oll1 the market, analyzed by duplicate and mean values were of 48 samples, 45 samples were collectedji-omlocal brands. The results showed that 93%rnof local samples o.fpeanut butler had aflatoxins ranged ji-om 3. 92pglkg to 547.85pglkg, withrnmean total aflatoxin of 98. 24pg/kg ± 111.18 SD; showing great variation of contaminationrnamong samples. Contamination range of AFBI in peanut buller was 2.65pglkg to 270pglkgrnwith mean value of 51.94 pglkg ± 65.33 SD. All roasted peanut samples were contaminatedrnlvith aflatoxin with maximum contamination of 216.48 pg/kg and minimum value was 1.86rnpg/kg; having mean value of 58. 78 pglkg ±75.56 SD. The potent AFBI was recorded uprnto158.83 pg/kg than other types of ajlatoxins (AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) in roasted peanutrnsamples with mean value of 43.86 pglkg ± 61.07 SD. Salmonella was detected in 7% (n=3) ofrnsamples of peanut butta Oil separation was seen in 24% (n =11) of peanut butter samples.rnCumulatively, 81.82% peanut buller and roasted peanut found in Addis Ababa markets!1fnd to be unsqfe as per codex maximum permissible limit for ajlatoxin (90 pglkg).rnContamination of pathogens in peanut buller was significant as fltr as human safety isrnconsidered. There is a need for awareness creation at all levels of the peanut value chain,rnespecially for end consumers, campaigns to raise consumer demand for safe, WORDS: A.flatoxins clean--up, peanut bullet; roasted peanut, Salmonella.

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Study Of Aflatoxin And Salmonella Contamination In Peanut Butter And Roasted Peanut The Case Of Local And Imported Products From Addis Ababa Market