A Thematic Analysis Of Arsi Oromo Oral Lyric Poetry

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Oromo oral lyric poetry has been less exhaustively recorded and studied. This paper attempts tornprovide the thematic analysis of the lyric poems of the Oromo people in West Arsi zone. So, therngeneral objective of the present study is to investigate thematic aspects of some selected pieces of oralrnlyric poems (weelluu love songs and the baye-bayee bridal parting songs). Specifically, the studyrnfocuses on collecting West Arsi oral lyric poems, describing the context of their performance,rnidentifying the major themes in the poems and identifying the social function of the poems.rnThe qualitative method is employed in analyzing the west Arsi oral lyric songs (weelluu and bayebayee).rnInterview and focus group discussion were the main tools used to collect the data. Thernguiding sampling principles and procedures employed here are based on the availability; accessibilityrnand purposive selection of the required data were the basis for selecting the two genres from two mostrnconventional west Arsi districts namely, from Kofale and Shashamanne. From the two genres, 12rnpieces of weelluu poems and 15 pieces of baye-bayee poems, were selected, transcribed, translatedrnand interpreted for their ultimate thematic analysis accordingly.rnThe result or findings of the analysis of both the weelluu and the baye-bayee lyric songs show variousrncrosscutting themes. Hence, the overall finding can generally be stated as more grievance of thernfeminine voice rotating around male dominance, isolation from parents as a result of forced marriagernand suppressed outcry (lamentation) of deeply secretive love and its need for expression despite thernimplicit cultural disapproval of the transparency of love affairs. To see the findings genre by genre,rnthe weelluu lyric poem expressed views and feelings of the composers as follows: depth and pain inrnlove, endured stress in loving, mysterious nature of love, emotional needs of the lovers, praising andrncommenting about their beloved one, obstacles and solutions of enduring love are some of thernidentified major themes. Similarly ,the baye-bayee reveals disappointment, loneliness, separation,rnambition, advice, rebuking, alienation, blaming, oppression, violation, fear, vision, admittingrnsuperiority, insulation, criticism, encouragement and the like as articulated by the bride portrayed asrnmajor and minor themes of this particular genre.rnThis study also reveals sub-findings constituting the strong expressive role of figurative language orrnlinguistic devices that the poet (poetess) used such as analogy, metaphor, simile, imagery, etc. tornsuggest the theme of the poems and to convey extended meaning of the poems when composing thernsongs. More tertiary thematic results other than the specified here were also discovered through thernanalysis including and recommended pointsrnFinally, conclusive statements have also been provided to point out the overall results of the research.rnIn addition, based on the reviewed literature the analysis and the conclusion, some recommendationsrnhave also been given to direct the research problem towards its future development. The researcherrnrecommends that the two genres need an immediate focus as they are at the verge of extinction due tornfactors like today's technological experience, urbanization, modern education and politicalrnmovements. Other recommendations were also given in the paper.

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A Thematic Analysis Of Arsi Oromo Oral Lyric Poetry