Study On Level Of Aflatoxin In Dairy Cattle Feeds And Assess Knowledge Attitued And Practice Of Feed Producers Dairy Farmers And Feed Treaders Around Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillusrnparasiticus fungi. The aim of this study was to assess the level of aflatoxins G2, G1, B2 andrnB1 in dairy cattle feed around Addis Ababa. For this purpose twelve nug cake, twelve wheatrnbran and six atela samples were randomly collected from Debrezeyt, Sululta andrnDebrebrhan for aflatoxin analysis by using high performance liquid chromatography withrnImmunoaffinity column clean up. The result indicated that, from the total 12 samples 7(58.3rn%) of nug cake were contaminated with all aflatoxins for G2 from 16.396 to 83.173 ng/g , forrnG1: from 128.235 to 981.122ng/g, for B2: from 18.089 to 944.271ng/g , for B1: from 149 torn887ng/g and total aflatoxin from 450 to 2320.53ng/g. The mean level of aflatoxin G2, G1,rnB2, B1 and total aflatoxin level in nug cake samples were 34.58ng/g, 334.15ng/g,rn223.89ng/g, 347.9ng/g and 691.08ng/g respectively. In 3( 25 % ) of wheat bran samples onlyrnG1,B2 and B1were detected with the range of G1: from 0 to 24.229ng/gm for B2: from 0 torn22.435ng/g , for B1: from 0 to 35.318 ng/g and total aflatoxin from 0 to 61.947ng/g . Thernmean level of aflatoxin G1, B2, B1 and total aflatoxin level in wheat bran were 18.768ng/g,rn18.52ng/g, 21.55ng/g and 59.0572ng/g respectively. Level of aflatoxin in atela samples aboutrn3(50%) of the samples were investigated below the limit of quantification and one samplernwas below the limit of detection while, in two samples were not detected. The mean level ofrnaflatoxin G2, G1, B2, B1 and total aflatoxin in nug cake were exceeded the maximum limitrnset by food and agriculture organization(FAO)/world health organization (WHO) 20μg/kgrnand European Union (EU) 5μg/kg for dairy cattle feed. In wheat bran only B1and totalrnaflatoxins were exceed the limit of food and drug authority and food and agriculturernorganization(FAO)/world health organization(WHO)20μg/kg and the level of G2, G1, B2, B1rnwere exceed the limit of European Union(EU) 5μg/kg. Aflatoxin contamination in all atelarnsamples were below the limit. The result of knowledge, attitude and practice assessment inrnthis study revealed that, awareness of mold growth and formation of mycotoxin is very lowrnamong dairy farmers and feed traders. From the experiment it can be concluded that nugrncake feed was highly contaminated with all aflatoxins and wheat bran was less contaminated.rnImplying that feeding atela to dairy cattle is the safest, while nug cake is the most dangerousrnin terms aflatoxin contamination.rnKey words: Aflatoxin G2; G1; B2,;B1;Total aflatoxin, Diary feeds; Immunoaffinity cleanup.

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Study On Level Of Aflatoxin In Dairy Cattle Feeds And Assess Knowledge Attitued And Practice Of Feed Producers Dairy Farmers And Feed Treaders Around Addis Ababa Ethiopia.