An Investigation On The Possibilities Of Biological Control Of Orobanche Spp. In Ethiopia

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In th is srudy. the poss ibilities of biolog ical comrol of Orobanche spp. (b roomrapes). arnserious root parasites of tomato (Lycopersicofl escelentum ~f i[[ .) and other members of thernfamily Solanaceae in Ethiopia have been investigated . Intensi'e surveys were conductedrnfor insect parasites of Orobanche spp. in tomato production areas. namely. Nura Era.rnMeni Jeju and Malima Farms. The surveys showed that, the fly PhytomyZIJ orobanchiarn(Diptcra: Agromyzidae) occurs only in Malima Farm where it exhibited destructive ab ilityrnto thc seed capsules of O. ramosa and O. cemua up to 81.4% and 7 1. 7%, respective ly.rnSurveys were also conducted in Ziway. Nura Era. Meni Jeju and Malima farms forrnmic roorganisms pathogenic 10 Orobanche spp . for the purposes of their isolat ion.rnidenti fication and explorat ion of their potential as biological control agents. Twenty fungalrnisolates were isolated and identified from infected Orobanche plants. These were:rnFusariulII. gibbosum: (2) F. nygamai: (1 I) F. Orysporum: (2) F. proli!eralUm: F. Solallirn"{Ir. Solani and (3) Fusarium sp. All the identified fungal isolates belong to Ihe ge nusrnFusarium and have not been reponed before in Ethiopia. Two of them F. nygamai andrnF. pro!i!eratum were identified for me first time on Orobanche plants as paras ites.rnPre lim inary pathogenici ty tests showed that F. gibbosum, F. rrygamai, F. oxysporum andrnFusarium spp . were promising as pathogens to O. ramosa. They significantly reduced thernnumber of emerged shoots when applied at a rate of 10 gkg·1 of soil under glasshousernconditions. The same isolates sig nificantly decreased the dry weight of O. ramosa andrnresulled in signi ficant increase of tomato dry weight by 30.3%. 30.3%. 32 .1 %, andrn30.3. %. respect ive ly.rnxiirnF oxysporum and F. lIygamai signific.:mtly killed O. aegpllOCO IUbe rcles v. hen appl iedrnat a rate of 0. 5 X 100 spore mI'] in the roOt chamber. F. oxysporum killed 81 ~ and 8] C'f .rnhilc F. nygamai killed -H % and 48% of the tubercles after 10 and 15 da ys of inoc ulat ion.rnre spect ive ly. The colour of the diseased IUbercles was changed to dark brown or black .rnSymptoms like wet rotting were also obse rved .rnRecommendations and suggestions are forwa rded for furthe r wo rk on the biological comrolrnof Orobanche spp. in Ethiopia . This should include comprehens ive evaluation of the rolernplayed by the PhylOmyza orobanchia as an effect ive bioagenl

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An Investigation On The Possibilities Of Biological Control Of Orobanche Spp. In Ethiopia