The Contribution And Challenges Of Work Place Child Day Care Service

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Globally women's engagement in outdoor income-generating activities isrnincreasing from time to time. However, many factors are affecting women’srnengagement in such activities. One of such activities is carrying for children. Arnsignificant number of women are forced to quit their employment or theirrneffectiveness is compromised due to their dual responsibilities. One of thernmechanisms that can help working women to have productive work engagementrnis establishing workplace child daycare centers. Without daycare facilities, thernquality of women’s life is undermined in every way. Hence the aim ofrnestablishing the center is to address these growing gaps. Theoretically differentrnstudies argued that nowadays, many families with young children must choosernbetween spending a significant portion of their income on child care or leavingrnthe workforce altogether to become full-time caregiver. In Ethiopia, specificallyrnin Addis Ababa, most of the young working parents need the child care service.rnSo parents prefer center-based care to other forms of non-family care becausernthey consider daycare centers as a better option. Therefore the purpose of thisrnstudy is to examine the contribution of workplace child daycare in reducing thernburden of work-family balance in general and increasing the performance ofrnworking mothers in Addis Ababa General Wingate Polytechnic College andrnMinistry of Industry care centers. These sites were selected because they havernplayed the leading role in establishing child daycare centers and arernexperienced in implementing the services. Four major areas were analyzedrndeeply in line with the objective of the study i.e. the contribution, the challengesrnin the implementation process, the impacts of non –Parental child daycarernservice out of the center, and performances of working mothers who are usingrnthe service. The study used a purely qualitative research method through indepth interview, Key informant interview(KII), Focused Group Discussionrn(FGD) and critical observation. The research findings indicated that therncontribution of child daycare services within two years of implementationrnexperience has a positive impact on children’s psychological growth andrnsecured child-rearing style, sharing caring activities and reducing the burden ofrncaring activities on mothers. It has also significantly contributed to employee parents inrnterms of psychological relief, reducing responsibility, income earner opportunity, andrnavoiding extended family management. Furthermore the daycare center servicerncreates an opportunity for the empowerment of professional women who wererndeprived of working in the office due to cultural and social domination

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The Contribution And Challenges Of Work Place Child Day Care Service