The Geology And Geochemistry Of The Banded Iron Formation In Chago-werekalu Wellega Province

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The r ocks of the stulied area form nart of the ~ o llepa Birbirrnproup of the uppe r c08plex and consist of a series of me t ased i me ntaryrnand plutonic proterozoic rocks. The winiera lo~ical assembl agernindicate tha t t he metamorphism is of the r r eenshist facies.rnThe variation diagram cons tructed for the va rious plut onicrnre e ks stronpl y supvest coma pmatic oripin by crysta l f rac ti ona ti on .rnMajor and trace element ana lyses of re ore sentative samples ofrnthe Chago iron formation ? t he plutonic ann. YOllnp:er e f f us i ve rocksrnare presented . The Chago iron f ormation can be c las s i f i ed asrnnre cambrian banded iron for mation and is in J11any r espects siJrii l arrnto the oxide fa cies iron format i on of Lake Superior t ype. ThernCha go iron fo r mation consis t s only of Iron oxides and mi nor amoun trnof sil i ca with total absence of iron silica t e, s ulfide and carbonaternminerals.rnTrace element pe ochemis try sUPRests that t he iron f orma ti onrnwas chemic ally prec i pitated as ox ida t e s ediments in which thernprincipal i ron mineral, ma gne tite 1 was formed at low te mpera turernin a s ~lallow nea r shore environment .

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The Geology And Geochemistry Of The Banded Iron Formation In Chago-werekalu Wellega Province