The Influence Of Geology And Other Soil Forming Factors In The Inherent Fertility Of Soils In The Assela Area Arssi Ethiopia

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The geology of the Asela area has been studied In de t a ~ lrnand the fertility status of the soils in relation t o thernf actors of soil formation (parent material, climate, top ogrrnaphy , organisms and time) examined qualitatively and semiquantrnitatiVielyo The area is associated with Pliocene andrnyounger volcanics (central and fissur al) and is intensivelyrnaff e cted by different episodes of faultingo Basal t s, Trachybasaltsrn, trachytes and acidic pyroclastics are the rocksrnoc curing in the areao The major soils are the dark-dark brownrnand the reddish brown soils of the plate au and the dark-browndarkrnye llowish brown soils of the rifto In general, the rif trns oils have higher plant nutrient s t atus than the plateaurnsoil s o Removal of materials is important on the plate au andrnaddition in the rifto Parts of the plateau and mo s t of t hernr i f t f l oor are affected by poor drainageo The abundance ofrnsurf ace hindrances on the surface of the rift soils might bernattr i buted to t he young age of the rocks in the lattero Inrnte r ms of physical limit ations of the land, both t he lowlandrnand t he plateau have their drawbacks o The cumulative influencernof the topography and the climate is found to be dominantlyrnr e s p ons ible for the lateral and vertical variations of therninherent fe rtility of the soilso

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The Influence Of Geology  And Other Soil Forming Factors In The Inherent Fertility Of Soils In The Assela Area Arssi Ethiopia