The Katta rocks form part of the Birbir group of the upperrncompl ex s i tuated in the paleo- cal c-alkaline arc that runs northsouthrnacross the country and which compri ses thick sequences ofrnmetavolcanic and metasedimen tary r ocks 0 The rocks are intensel yrnfolded and faulted o Their minera l ogy and texture indicate thatrnmetamorphism is o f the greenschist facies ornLogging of five bore ho l es , their correlation and subs equerrrnpetrographic s tudies on selected samples are conducted and depthrnvariation i n miner a logy i s presented ornGeochemical studies on stre am sedime nt s , bed r ock and f l oatrnsamples, soil and core samples , and statistical tr eatment, of thernresults show that there is lateral and vertical variati ons in therncopper and zinc mineralizations . The geochemical s oil maps showrnthat Cu , Zn , Pb , Ni , and Co mineralizations are concentr atedrnalong fo liation and bedding p laneso There is low litho logicalrnc ontro l of mi neralization o Moda l ana l ysis on the core samplesrns how that main mineralization is a s sociated to carbonate ornOre microscopic studies show that pyrite , chalco pyrite ,rnmagnetite , bornite , cubanite) bournonite , cuprite and sphal e r iternare the ore minerals found occuring in bands , as d i ss eminati onsrnand in veins o Two types of mineralization are recognizedrnsyngenetic stratabound and e pigene t ic vein and dissemina t ed types .rnIt was the syn~enetic type that gave rise to epigenetic types as arnresul t of later met a morphi(: and supergene remobilization. 'r'he epigeneticrntype is considered to be the main mineralization in the area o