A Pre-post Interventional Study On Improving The Implementation Status Of Nursingmidwifery Care Standard Practice At Haramya Hospital Oromia Regional State Ethiopia

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Background: The nursing/midwifery care standards help to ensure that patients are receivingrnhigh quality care. The standards support implementation of the basics of nurses‟/midwives‟rnprofession. Despite the importance of nursing care standards, implementation of the standards isrnlacking in most of the developing countries, including Ethiopia. Similarly, the baselinernassessment of nursing standards in this study at Haramaya hospital was poor. Thus, it wasrncritically important to improve the implementation of the Nursing/midwifery care standardrnpractice in Haramaya general hospital.rnObjectives: To improve the implementation status of Nursing /midwifery Care Standards fromrn52.5% to 81% in wards of Haramaya Hospital, by the end of August 2020.rnMethod: A facility based pre & post interventional study was conducted from March to Augustrn2020 in Haramaya Hospital. A nationally tested and accepted instrument, the Ethiopian HospitalsrnReform Implementation Guideline tool, was used to measure the performance onrnnursing/midwifery standards of care. The sampled nurses/midwives were allocatedrnproportionally from all wards in the hospital. Data related to factors that hinder implementationrnof the nursing /midwifery standards was collected consecutively by data collectors usingrnchecklist and nursing standards through observational methods. Data quality was controlledrnthrough supervision and training of data collectors.rnResult: Among the total 88 the same respondents (44 before & 44 after), mean age was 27.23rnyears (SD=4.2) and the implementation status of nursing/midwifery care standards was 52.5% inrnpre-intervention & 78.4% after-intervention. This change was statistically significant at (df =44, rnP

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A Pre-post Interventional Study On Improving The Implementation Status Of Nursingmidwifery Care Standard Practice At Haramya Hospital Oromia Regional State Ethiopia