A Computer- Based Library And Information Management System For The National Library Service Of Malawi A Plan And Strategy For Implementation

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This document discuss e s the need for augmenting andrnextending application of computer systems in library,rndocumentation and information institutions in Malawi withrnp a rticular reference to the National Library Servicern(NLS). Background i nformation on the NLS system in termsrnof its e stablishment, structure, resources and servicesrnis also provided.rnDevelopment s in Information Technology (IT)rnapplications to library and information systems arernhighlighted emphasizing the expanding capacity ofrncomputer systems, data transmission systems andrnnetworking including Local Area Networks that are findingrnwider use in Africa.rnThe existing information systems and services inrnAfrica are reviewed including the existing networks whichrncan promote cooperation among information institutions,rntransfer and sharing of information resources in therncontinent.rnApplication of computers to Information StoragernRetrieval and Dissemination (ISRD) is discussed withrnparticular referencerninformation servicesrnto thernthat canrnareas of libraryrnbenefit from IT.rnandrnTherngeneral conclusion is that computers improve managementrnand facilitate information handling activities.As a pre-planning requirement, a detailed analysis andrnevaluation of the NLS was carried out and the findingsrndocumented in this thesis. Included is also a survey ofrnapplication of computers in library and informat ionrninstitutions in Malawi, revealing an encouraging take- offrnof the technology in the field. Types of computers,rnperipherals, application softwares and their use arerndiscussed and this has formed the basis for a proposalrnfor the new system in the NLS. Based on the ongoing ITrndevelopments in libraries and information systems in therncountry and the problems being faced in the use ofrncomputer systems, a survey of selected computer vendorrnorganizations is also documented forming the basis andrncriteria for system choice.rnProposals on requirements for a new computer basedrnsystem for the NLS and the design of prototype databasesrnusing micro CDS/ISIS version 3.0, are presented. Such arnsystem will improve management and facilitate NLSrnoperations, and introduction of user-oriented servicesrnsuch as SOI services, current awareness services,rnreferral services, etc. Criteria for choice of computerrnsystem and phases of system implementation such asrninstallation, retrospective conversion of card cataloguernto machine readable form, etc, are outlined. Conclusionsrnand recommendations based on the research are presentedrnin chapter nine.

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A Computer- Based Library And Information Management System For The National Library Service Of Malawi  A Plan And Strategy For Implementation